Brit J Hosp Med
Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma is a rare type of extranodal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma that primarily affects the skin. The uncertain pathogenesis and variable clinical presentation make the diagnosis and management of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma a challenge. Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma is a chronic, relapsing illness with treatment aimed at symptomatic relief and improving patient related quality of life. ⋯ Promising advances are being made to develop novel agents which could improve prognosis and quality of life. This article provides an overview of the two main subtypes of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma: mycosis fungoides and Sézary syndrome. Clinical presentation, histopathological correlation and diagnostic challenges are reviewed alongside example case studies.
Following dislocation of the glenohumeral joint with an isolated greater tuberosity fracture, closed reduction in the emergency department can lead to fracture propagation or iatrogenic fractures. This article assesses the evidence regarding when anterior dislocations of the shoulder with an isolated fracture of the greater tuberosity can be safely reduced in the emergency department, as there is currently no clear guidance on this. ⋯ Female sex, increased patient age and fragments of the greater tuberosity were associated with an increased risk of iatrogenic fractures. Closed reduction in the emergency department appears to be a safe option in younger patients and those with greater tuberosity fractures less than 40% of the width of the humeral head.
Cervical artery dissection is a major cause of ischaemic stroke in young adults. The diagnosis can be challenging as some patients may present with seemingly benign symptoms such as a headache, neck pain or dizziness. However, the neurological sequelae of a transient ischaemic attack, vision loss or ischaemic stroke are potentially devastating. ⋯ This article reviews the literature to provide practical information for clinicians to recognise key risk factors and features of history and examination which should raise suspicion of cervical artery dissection. Diagnosis can now be made using the non-invasive, commonly available modalities of computed tomography angiography or magnetic resonance angiography. Timely treatment with antithrombotic agents is recommended to reduce the rate of an ischaemic stroke.
Advances in healthcare require safe and transparent innovation. Currently in surgery it can be difficult to identify when innovation is occurring because of inconsistent oversight and reporting. New ways of identifying, monitoring and reporting surgical innovation are called for in order to optimise the process.