Brit J Hosp Med
Intraoperative bleeding can be difficult to manage and is associated with worse patient outcomes. Good intraoperative haemostasis by the surgeon is a key factor in ensuring a bloodless field and reducing intraoperative blood loss. ⋯ The decision of which to use will depend on patient and procedural factors as well as the surgeon's preference. This article reviews techniques commonly used in surgical practice to maintain intraoperative haemostasis.
The role of D-dimers in the management of venous thromboembolism is well established and testing for D-dimers has become common in most acute settings. Although it has been validated for the purpose of excluding venous thromboembolism, the test is increasingly ordered to 'diagnose' venous thromboembolism. Furthermore, in the COVID-19 pandemic, heavy reliance has been put on this test with the inclusion of D-dimers to guide treatment pathways. This review summarises the appropriateness of D-dimer tests in these different clinical settings.
The demand for total shoulder arthroplasty has grown over the years and is set to continue in a similar trend because of the ageing population. Following a global reduction in elective orthopaedic treatment and an exponential rise in surgical waiting times, innovative strategies are desperately needed to mitigate against the harmful effects of delaying vital operations on both patients and the wider society. ⋯ Rigorous patient selection and a multidisciplinary team approach are paramount when adopting a day case service to deliver joint replacement surgery. This review outlines the principles of day case total shoulder arthroplasty and highlights key considerations when transitioning to this approach.
Ageing impairs liver function and reduces the liver's regenerative capacity. With the predicted increase in the older population, the burden of liver disease will proportionally rise in this age group. ⋯ Therefore, clinicians need to consider individual patient risk factors during the assessment of abnormal liver function tests. This article discusses various liver function tests, their pathophysiology, and the approach to interpret and manage common abnormalities in liver function test results and liver disease in the older population.
The upper limb consists of four major parts: a girdle formed by the clavicle and scapula, the arm, the forearm and the hand. Peripheral nerve lesions of the upper limb are divided into lesions of the brachial plexus or the nerves arising from it. ⋯ A thorough understanding of the anatomy and clinical presentations of these compression neuropathies can lead to prompt diagnosis and management, preventing possible permanent damage. This article discusses the aetiology, anatomy, clinical presentation and surgical management of compressive neuropathies of the upper limb.