Brit J Hosp Med
Patients with wrist pain commonly present to primary care and emergency departments. A detailed history and examination, alongside relevant imaging, will help find the correct diagnosis and ensure that patients receive the correct treatment in a timely manner. This article summarises the key points in history and examination and the role of imaging, including suggestions of which modality should be requested. Finally, important acute pathologies are highlighted, including fractures, soft tissue injuries and infection, with examples of their relevant imaging.
An 'experience day' is a novel concept in medical education, targeted at postgraduate doctors in training. In this article, the term postgraduate doctors in training includes all junior doctors, ranging from foundation year level to junior specialist doctors to higher specialist registrars. Experience days offer postgraduate doctors in training the opportunity to shadow other healthcare professionals in their working environment, to enhance their perspective of their role as a clinician and their understanding of the complex interplay of services. ⋯ Taster days are a well-established educational opportunity for junior doctors, supported by Health Education England. However, there is a paucity of literature concerning shadowing for doctors who have already qualified, or those who wish to shadow services that they work alongside. This article introduces the concept of experience days for postgraduate doctors in training.
Feedback from foundation trainees in Blackpool highlighted low levels of confidence with the prospect of surgical on-call shifts. Key areas of concern were assessing and managing the acute surgical patient, identifying which patients need an operation and having the technical skills to proficiently assist in theatre. This lack of confidence prevents trainees engaging in what should be an educational and rewarding rotation. ⋯ All trainees that attended the course displayed a marked improvement. This course is now being incorporated into foundation teaching programmes at a regional level and has scope to be expanded nationally.