Clin Med
By the beginning of July 2009 the West Midlands had seen more cases of novel H1N1 influenza (swine flu) than any other region in the U. K. Over a three-week period almost 850 people presented to Heartlands Hospital with flu-like symptoms. ⋯ Despite increased workload normal clinical services were unaffected. The hospital was not closed to admissions nor was it paralysed by staff absence. With a predicted second wave expected at the end of 2009, efforts to maintain effective community assessment remain crucial.
Hereditary haemochromatosis (HH) is an autosomal recessive condition in which inappropriately excess iron absorption from the intestine results in pathological deposition of iron in the parenchymal cells of organs leading to tissue damage associated with characteristic arthropathy. It is an important cause of joint pain in middle age and early diagnosis and treatment can reduce the long-term complications of the disease.
Clinicians need to consider syphilis in the differential diagnosis of macular or papular rashes with neurological conditions, particularly aseptic meningitis, as early diagnosis and treatment lead to a better prognosis.