Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Low-back pain (LBP) is a common reason for consulting a general practitioner, and advice on daily activities is an important part of the primary care management of low-back pain. ⋯ For people with acute LBP, advice to rest in bed is less effective than advice to stay active. For patients with sciatica, there is little or no difference between advice to rest in bed and advice to stay active. There is little or no difference in the effect of bed rest compared to exercises or physiotherapy, or seven days of bed rest compared with two to three.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Oct 2004
Review Meta AnalysisLong versus short inspiratory times in neonates receiving mechanical ventilation.
When intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) was introduced in newborn infants with hypoxic respiratory failure from hyaline membrane disease (HMD), mortality was high and air leaks problematic. This barotrauma was caused by the high peak inspiratory pressures (PIP) required to oxygenate stiff lungs. The primary determinants of mean airway pressure (and thus oxygenation) on a conventional ventilator are the inspiratory time (IT), PIP, positive end expiratory pressure and gas flow rates. In the 1970s uncontrolled studies on a small number of infants demonstrated a benefit in reducing barotrauma using a long IT and slow rates. This strategy was subsequently widely adopted. Current neonatal ventilators have been designed to minimise lung injury but rates of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) remain high. It is therefore important that the inspiratory time causing least harm is used. ⋯ Caution should be exercised in applying these results to modern neonatal intensive care, because the studies included in this review were conducted prior to the introduction of antenatal steroids, post natal surfactant and the use of synchronised modes of ventilatory support. Most of the participants had single pathology (HMD) and no studies examined the effects of IT on newborns ventilated for other reasons such as meconium aspiration and congenital heart disease (lungs with normal compliance). However, the increased rates of air leaks and deaths using long ITs are clinically important; thus, infants with poorly compliant lungs should be ventilated with a short IT.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Oct 2004
Review Meta AnalysisPharmacologic therapies for adults with acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Multiple pharmacologic treatments have been studied for acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). ⋯ Effective pharmacotherapy for ALI and ARDS is extremely limited, with insufficient evidence to support any specific intervention.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Oct 2004
Review Meta AnalysisInterventions for preventing oral candidiasis for patients with cancer receiving treatment.
Treatment of cancer is increasingly more effective but is associated with short and long term side effects. Oral side effects remain a major source of illness despite the use of a variety of agents to prevent and treat them. One of these side effects is oral candidiasis. ⋯ There is strong evidence, from randomised controlled trials, that drugs absorbed or partially absorbed from the GI tract prevent oral candidiasis in patients receiving treatment for cancer. There is also evidence that these drugs are significantly better at preventing oral candidiasis than drugs not absorbed from the GI.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Oct 2004
Review Meta AnalysisNumber of embryos for transfer following in-vitro fertilisation or intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection.
The traditional reliance on the transfer of multiple embryos during in vitro fertilisation (IVF) in order to maximise the chance of pregnancy, has resulted in increasing rates of multiple pregnancies. Women undergoing IVF had a 20 - fold increased risk of twins and 400 - fold increased risk of higher order pregnancies (Martin 1998). The maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality as well as national health service costs associated with multiple pregnancies is significantly high in comparison with singleton births (Luke 1992; Callahan 1994; Goldfarb 1996). Single embryo transfer is now being considered as an effective means of reducing this iatrogenic complication. This systematic review evaluates the effectiveness of elective two embryo transfer in comparison with single and more than two embryo transfer following IVF and ICSI (intra cytoplasmic sperm injection) treatment. ⋯ The results of this systematic review suggest that live birth and pregnancy rates following single embryo transfer are lower than those following double embryo transfer as are the chances of multiple pregnancy including twins. As such, it is unlikely that the conclusions are robust enough to catalyse a change in clinical practice. The studies included are limited by their small sample size, so that even large differences might be hidden. Cumulative livebirth rates are seldom reported. The data were inadequate to draw conclusions about single embryo transfer and first frozen single embryo transfer (1FZET) or subsequent single frozen embryo transfers. Until more evidence is available single embryo transfer may not be the preferred choice for all patients undergoing IVF/ICSI. Clinicians may need to individualise protocols for couples based on their risks of multiple pregnancy. A definitive pragmatic, large multi centre randomised controlled trial comparing single embryo versus double embryo transfer in terms of clinical and cost effectiveness as well as acceptability is required. The primary outcome measured should be cumulative livebirth per woman/couple.