Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Azathioprine is the most widely used immunosuppressive treatment in multiple sclerosis (MS). It is an alternative to interferon beta for treating MS also because it is less expensive. Concerns about its safety, mainly a possible increased risk of malignancy, has limited its use. This systematic review aimed to determine the trade off between the benefits and risks of azathioprine in multiple sclerosis. ⋯ Azathioprine is an appropriate maintenance treatment for patients with multiple sclerosis who frequently relapse and require steroids. Cumulative doses of 600 g should not be exceeded in relation to a possible increased risk of malignancy. Considering the trade off between the benefits and harms, azathioprine is a fair alternative to interferon beta for treating multiple sclerosis. A logical next step for future trials would seem the direct comparison of azathioprine and interferon beta. In fact the direct comparison between these two widely used treatments in multiple sclerosis has not been made.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Oct 2007
Review Meta AnalysisCognitive-behavioral treatment for antisocial behavior in youth in residential treatment.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) appears to be effective in the treatment of antisocial behavior both in adolescents and adults. Treatment of antisocial behavior in youth in residential settings is a challenge since it usually involves more serious behavioral problems and takes place in a closed setting. The motivation for change is usually low and there is little possibility to address the maintenance of any behavioral changes following release. ⋯ CBT seems to be a little more effective than standard treatment for youth in residential settings. The effects appear about one year after release, but there is no evidence of more long-term effects or that CBT is any better than alternative treatments.
Endometriosis is defined as the presence of endometrial tissue (stromal and glandular) outside the normal uterine cavity. Conventional medical and surgical treatments for endometriosis aim to remove or decrease the deposits of ectopic endometrium. The observation that hyper androgenic states (an excess of male hormone) induce atrophy of the endometrium has led to the use of androgens in the treatment of endometriosis. Danazol is one of these treatments. The efficacy of danazol is based on its ability to produce a high androgen and low oestrogen environment (a pseudo menopause) which results in atrophy of the endometriotic implants and thus an improvement in painful symptoms. ⋯ Danazol is effective in treating the symptoms and signs of endometriosis. However, its use is limited by the occurrence of androgenic side effects.
Intermittent claudication (IC) is pain caused by chronic occlusive arterial disease, that develops in a limb during exercise and is relieved with rest. Buflomedil is a vasoactive agent used to treat peripheral vascular disease. However, its clinical efficacy for IC has not yet been critically examined. ⋯ There is little evidence available to evaluate the efficacy of buflomedil for IC. Most trials were excluded due to poor quality. The two included trials showed moderately positive results; these are undermined by publication bias since we know of at least another four unpublished, irretrievable, and inconclusive studies.Buflomedil's benefit is small in relation to safety issues and its narrow therapeutic range.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Oct 2007
ReviewChemotherapy versus surgery for initial treatment in advanced ovarian epithelial cancer.
Epithelial ovarian cancer presents at an advanced stage in the majority of patients. These women require chemotherapy and surgery for optimal treatment. Conventional treatment is to perform surgery first and then give chemotherapy. However, it is important to determine whether there is any advantage to using chemotherapy prior to surgery. ⋯ There is as yet no good evidence that neoadjuvant chemotherapy prior to debulking surgery for women with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer is superior to conventional debulking surgery and platinum-based chemotherapy.