Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Oct 2007
Review Meta AnalysisPrebiotics in infants for prevention of allergic disease and food hypersensitivity.
The composition of the intestinal microflora may be different in individuals with atopic eczema from those without this condition, and such differences may precede the development of eczema. Prebiotics are nondigestible food components that benefit the host by selectively stimulating the growth or activity of non-pathogenic bacteria in the colon. Prebiotics (commonly oligosaccharides) added to infant feeds have the potential to prevent sensitisation of infants to dietary allergens. ⋯ There is insufficient evidence to determine the role of prebiotic supplementation of infant formula for prevention of allergic disease and food hypersensitivity. One small trial of prebiotic oligosaccharides with excess losses reported a reduction in eczema in high risk formula fed infants. Further trials are needed to determine whether this finding persists over a longer period of time, applies to other manifestations of allergic disease, is associated with reductions in allergen sensitisation, and is reproducible.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Oct 2007
Review Meta AnalysisEducational outreach visits: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes.
Educational outreach visits (EOVs) have been identified as an intervention that may improve the practice of healthcare professionals. This type of face-to-face visit has been referred to as university-based educational detailing, academic detailing, and educational visiting. ⋯ EOVs alone or when combined with other interventions have effects on prescribing that are relatively consistent and small, but potentially important. Their effects on other types of professional performance vary from small to modest improvements, and it is not possible from this review to explain that variation.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Oct 2007
Review Meta AnalysisAntiplatelet therapy for aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage.
Secondary ischaemia is a frequent cause of poor outcome in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). Besides vasospasm, platelet aggregation seems to play a role in the pathogenesis of secondary ischaemia. Experimental studies have suggested that antiplatelet agents can prevent secondary ischaemia. ⋯ This review shows a trend towards better outcome in patients treated with antiplatelet agents, possibly due to a reduction in secondary ischaemia. However, results were not statistically significant, thus no definite conclusions can be drawn. Also, antiplatelet agents could increase the risk of haemorrhagic complications. On the basis of the current evidence treatment with antiplatelet agents in order to prevent secondary ischaemia or poor outcome cannot be recommended.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Oct 2007
Review Meta AnalysisRepetitive task training for improving functional ability after stroke.
The active practice of task-specific motor activities is a component of current approaches to stroke rehabilitation. ⋯ Repetitive task training resulted in modest improvement in lower limb function, but not upper limb function. Training may be sufficient to impact on daily living function. However, there is no evidence that improvements are sustained once training has ended. The review potentially investigates task specificity rather more than repetition. Further research should focus on the type and amount of training, and how to maintain functional gain.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Oct 2007
Review Meta AnalysisOcclusal splints for treating sleep bruxism (tooth grinding).
Sleep bruxism is an oral activity characterised by teeth grinding or clenching during sleep. Several treatments for sleep bruxism have been proposed such as pharmacological, psychological, and dental. ⋯ There is not sufficient evidence to state that the occlusal splint is effective for treating sleep bruxism. Indication of its use is questionable with regard to sleep outcomes, but it may be that there is some benefit with regard to tooth wear. This systematic review suggests the need for further investigation in more controlled RCTs that pay attention to method of allocation, outcome assessment, large sample size, and sufficient duration of follow up. The study design must be parallel, in order to eliminate the bias provided by studies of cross-over type. A standardisation of the outcomes of the treatment of sleep bruxism should be established in the RCTs.