Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Cervical ectropion is considered as one of the most common types of chronic cervicitis in China. Topical treatments for cervical ectropion including microwave tissue coagulation, are widely used in many hospitals in China. Nowadays, the necessary intervention for inflammatory cervical ectopy is controversial. ⋯ There are no RCTs comparing microwave therapy with other treatments or no treatment in symptomatic women with cervical ectropion. Although microwave therapy improved the appearance of the cervix over both laser therapy and interferon-alpha suppository therapy it is not clear if there is any other benefit for women.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Oct 2007
ReviewIndigenous healthcare worker involvement for Indigenous adults and children with asthma.
Asthma education is regarded as an important step in the management of asthma in national guidelines. Racial and socio-economic factors are associated with markers of asthma severity, including recurrent acute presentations to emergency health facilities. Worldwide, indigenous groups are disproportionately represented in the severe end of the asthma spectrum. Appropriate models of care are important in the successful delivery of services, and are likely contributors to improved outcomes for people with asthma. ⋯ The involvement of IHW in asthma programs targeted for their own ethnic group in one small trial was beneficial for some but not all asthma outcomes. Thus there is insufficient data to be confident that the involvement of IHW is beneficial in all settings. Nevertheless, given the complexity of health outcomes and culture as well as the importance of self-determination for indigenous peoples, the practice of including IHW in asthma education programs for indigenous children and adults with asthma is justified, but should be subject to further randomised controlled trials.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Oct 2007
ReviewBromocriptine/levodopa combined versus levodopa alone for early Parkinson's disease.
Drugs that mimic dopamine, such as bromocriptine (BR), were introduced as monotherapy or in combination with levodopa (LD) in the hope that this approach would prevent or delay the onset of motor complications in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). However, hitherto, the role of BR has remained controversial. We present a systematic review of all randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of BR/LD combination therapy compared with LD monotherapy in PD. ⋯ This systematic review revealed no evidence to support the use of early BR/LD combination therapy as a strategy to prevent or delay the onset of motor complications in the treatment of PD.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Oct 2007
ReviewProgestogens versus oestrogens and progestogens for irregular uterine bleeding associated with anovulation.
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) is excessively heavy, prolonged or frequent bleeding of uterine origin which is not due to pregnancy or to recognisable pelvic or systemic disease. Anovulation may be inferred from a number of observations but, in the normal clinical situation, anovulation is often assumed when a woman presents with heavy, prolonged or frequent bleeding, particularly in those who are at the extremes of reproductive life and in women known to have polycystic ovarian syndrome. Menstrual bleeding that is irregular or excessive is poorly tolerated by the majority of women. Changes in the length of the menstrual cycle generally imply disturbances of the hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis. In anovulatory DUB with acyclic (irregular) oestrogen production there will be no progesterone withdrawal from oestrogen primed endometrium and so cycles are irregular. Prolonged oestrogen stimulation may cause a build up of endometrium with erratic bleeding as it breaks down and is expelled. This is the rationale for using cyclical progestogens during the second half of the menstrual cycle, in order to provoke a regular withdrawal bleed. Continuous progestogen is intended to induce endometrial atrophy and hence to prevent oestrogen-stimulated endometrial proliferation. Progestogens, and oestrogens and progestogens in combination are already widely used in the management of irregular or excessive bleeding due to DUB but the regime, dose and type of progestogen used varies widely, with little consensus about the optimum treatment approach. ⋯ There is a paucity of randomised studies relating to the use of progestogens and of oestrogens and progestogens in combination in the treatment of irregular bleeding associated with anovulation. Further research is needed to establish the role of these treatments in the management of this common gynaecological problem.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Oct 2007
ReviewFormula milk versus maternal breast milk for feeding preterm or low birth weight infants.
Maternal breast milk may contain less nutrients than artificial formula milk but may confer important non-nutrient advantages for preterm or low birth weight infants. ⋯ There are no data from randomised trials of formula milk versus maternal breast milk for feeding preterm or low birth weight infants. This may relate to a perceived difficulty of allocating an alternative feed to an infant whose mother wishes to feed with her own breast milk. Maternal breast milk remains the default choice of enteral nutrition because observational studies, and meta-analyses of trials comparing feeding with formula milk versus donor breast milk, suggest that feeding with breast milk has major non-nutrient advantages for preterm or low birth weight infants.