Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Many patients visit their general practitioner (GP) because of problems that are psychosocial in origin. However, for many of these problems there is no evidence-based treatment available in primary care, and these patients place time-consuming demands on their GP. Therefore, GPs could benefit from tools to help these patients more effectively and efficiently. In this light, it is important to assess whether structured psychosocial interventions might be an appropriate tool for GPs. Previous reviews have shown that psychosocial interventions in primary care seem more effective than usual care. However, these interventions were mostly performed by health professionals other than the GP. ⋯ In general, there is little available evidence on the use of psychosocial interventions by general practitioners. Of the psychosocial interventions reviewed, problem-solving treatment for depression may offer promise, although a stronger evidence-base is required and the effectiveness in routine practice remains to be demonstrated. More research is required to improve the evidence-base on this subject.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jul 2007
ReviewWITHDRAWN: Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogues for pain associated with endometriosis.
Endometriosis is a common gynaecological condition that frequently presents with the symptom of pain. The precise pathogenesis (mode of development) of endometriosis is unclear but it is evident that endometriosis arises by the dissemination of endometrium to ectopic sites and the subsequent establishment of deposits of ectopic endometrium. The observation that endometriosis is rarely seen in the hypo-oestrogenic (low levels of oestrogen) post-menopausal woman led to the concept of medical treatment by induction of a pseudo-menopause using Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone Analogues (GnRHas). When administered in a non-pulsatile manner (the pituitary is normally stimulated by pulses of natural GnRH and all analogues act on the pituitary at a constant level) their use results in down regulation (switching off) of the pituitary and a hypogonadotrophic hypogonadal state (low levels of female hormones due to non stimulation of the ovary). ⋯ There is little or no difference in the effectiveness of GnRHas in comparison with other medical treatments for endometriosis. GnRHas do appear to be an effective treatment. Differences that do exist relate to side effect profiles. Side effects of GnRHas can be ameliorated by the addition of addback therapy.
Supportive relationships during the perinatal period may enhance a mother's feeling of wellbeing and control. Support to women during labour and after birth has shown benefits and this may also be the case for mothers with postpartum depression. ⋯ There is some indication that professional and/or social support may help in the treatment of postpartum depression. The types of support should be investigated to assess which models are most effective.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jul 2007
ReviewWITHDRAWN: Prophylactic versus selective blood transfusion for sickle cell anaemia during pregnancy.
Sickle cells have a shorter life span than normal red blood cells. It has been suggested that pregnancy complications for women with sickle cell anaemia may be reduced by regular blood transfusions. The aim is to maintain haemoglobin at 60-70% of the normal total. ⋯ There is not enough evidence to draw conclusions about the prophylactic use of blood transfusion for sickle cell anaemia during pregnancy.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jul 2007
ReviewWITHDRAWN: Treatments for breast engorgement during lactation.
National surveys have shown that painful breasts are the second most common reason for giving up breastfeeding in the first two weeks after birth in the UK. One factor contributing to such pain can be breast engorgement. Views differ as to how engorgement arises, although restrictive feeding patterns in hospital are likely to have contributed in the past. These differing views are reflected in the range of solutions offered to treat engorgement in breastfeeding mothers and these treatments are assessed in this review. ⋯ Cabbage leaves and gel packs were equally effective in the treatment of engorgement. Since both cabbage extract and placebo cream were equally effective, the alleviation in symptoms may be brought about by other factors, such as breast massage. Ultrasound treatment is equally effective with or without the ultra-wave emitting crystal, therefore its effectiveness is more likely to be due to the effect of radiant heat or massage. Pharmacologically, oxytocin was not an effective engorgement treatment while Danzen and bromelain/trypsin complex significantly improved the symptoms of engorgement. Initial prevention of breast engorgement should remain the key priority.