Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Whooping cough is a highly contagious disease. Infants are at highest risk of severe disease and death. Erythromycin for 14 days is currently recommended for treatment and contact prophylaxis, but is of uncertain benefit. ⋯ Although antibiotics were effective in eliminating B. pertussis, they did not alter the subsequent clinical course of the illness. There is insufficient evidence to determine the benefit of prophylactic treatment of pertussis contacts.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jul 2007
ReviewWITHDRAWN: Non-aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for treating osteoarthritis of the knee.
Osteoarthritis(OA) is the most common rheumatic disease. Simple analgesics are now accepted as the appropriate first line pharmacological treatment of uncomplicated OA. Non-aspirin NSAIDs are licensed for the relief of pain and inflammation arising from rheumatic disease. ⋯ In spite of the large number of publications in this area, there are few randomized controlled trials. Furthermore, most trials comparing two or more NSAIDs suffer from substantial design errors. From the results of this review it is concluded that no substantial evidence is available related to efficacy, to distinguish between equivalent recommended doses of NSAIDs. Had studies employed appropriate doses of comparator drug, most would have been sufficiently powerful to detect clinically important differences in efficacy. As differences in efficacy between NSAIDs have not been recorded, the selection of an NSAID for prescription for OA knee should be based upon relative safety, patient acceptability and cost.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jul 2007
Review Meta AnalysisCommunity mental health teams (CMHTs) for people with severe mental illnesses and disordered personality.
Closure of asylums and institutions for the mentally ill, coupled with government policies focusing on reducing the number of hospital beds for people with severe mental illness in favour of providing care in a variety of non-hospital settings, underpins the rationale behind care in the community. A major thrust towards community care has been the development of community mental health teams (CMHT). ⋯ Community mental health team management is not inferior to non-team standard care in any important respects and is superior in promoting greater acceptance of treatment. It may also be superior in reducing hospital admission and avoiding death by suicide. The evidence for CMHT based care is insubstantial considering the massive impact the drive toward community care has on patients, carers, clinicians and the community at large.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jul 2007
Review Meta AnalysisInterventions to reduce harm from continued tobacco use.
It may be reasonable to try to reduce the harm from continued smoking amongst smokers unable or unwilling to quit. Possible approaches to reduce the exposure to toxins from smoking include reducing the amount of tobacco used, and using less toxic products. The interventions evaluated in controlled trials have predominantly attempted to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked. ⋯ There is insufficient evidence about long-term benefit to give firm support the use of interventions intended to help smokers reduce but not quit tobacco use. Some people who do not wish to quit can be helped to cut down the number of cigarettes smoked and reduce their carbon monoxide levels by using nicotine gum or nicotine inhaler. Because the long-term health benefit of a reduction in smoking rate is unclear this application of NRT is more appropriately used as a precursor to quitting.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jul 2007
Review Meta AnalysisEmbryo freezing for preventing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is an iatrogenic potentially life threatening condition resulting from an excessive ovarian stimulation. Its reported incidence varies from one percent to ten percent of in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles. The factors leading to this syndrome have not been completely explained. It seems likely that the release of vasoactive substances, secreted by the ovaries under human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) stimulation plays a key role in triggering this syndrome. The hallmark of this condition, is a massive shift of fluid from the intra-vascular compartment to the third space resulting in profound intra-vascular depletion and haemoconcentration. ⋯ This updated of the review (D'Angelo 2002) has showed that there is insufficient evidence to support routine cryopreservation and insufficient evidence for the relative merits of intra-venous albumin versus cryopreservation.