Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Levels of physical fitness are low after stroke. It is unknown whether improving physical fitness after stroke reduces disability. ⋯ The effects of training on death and dependence after stroke are unclear. Cardiorespiratory training reduces disability after stroke and this may be mediated by improved mobility and balance. There is sufficient evidence to incorporate cardiorespiratory and mixed training, involving walking, within post-stroke rehabilitation programs to improve the speed and tolerance of walking; improvement in balance may also occur. There is insufficient evidence to support the use of resistance training. Further well-designed trials are needed to determine the optimal content of the exercise prescription and identify long-term benefits.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Oct 2013
Review Meta AnalysisNaproxen with or without an antiemetic for acute migraine headaches in adults.
Migraine is a common, disabling condition and a burden for the individual, health services, and society. Many sufferers choose not to, or are unable to, seek professional help and rely on over-the-counter analgesics. Naproxen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID); its efficacy in acute migraine has not been established by systematic reviews. Co-therapy with an antiemetic should help to reduce the nausea and vomiting commonly associated with migraine headaches. ⋯ Naproxen is statistically superior to placebo in the treatment of acute migraine, but the NNT of 11 for pain-free response at two hours suggests that it is not a clinically useful treatment. Cochrane reviews examining other commonly used analgesics for acute migraine have reported better (lower) NNT results for the same outcome. Naproxen is not clinically useful as a stand-alone analgesic in acute migraine, as it is effective in fewer than 2 people in 10.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Oct 2013
Review Meta AnalysisWound drainage after axillary dissection for carcinoma of the breast.
Axillary dissection is commonly performed for breast carcinoma. It is uncertain whether insertion of a drain reduces complication rates. ⋯ There is limited quality evidence that insertion of a drain following axillary lymphadenectomy reduced the odds of developing a seroma and reduced the number of post-operative seroma aspirations. These benefits should be balanced against an increased length of hospital stay in the drained population.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Oct 2013
Review Meta AnalysisEnhanced care by generalists for functional somatic symptoms and disorders in primary care.
Patients with medically unexplained or functional somatic symptoms are common in primary care. Previous reviews have reported benefit from specialised interventions such as cognitive behavioural therapy and consultation letters, but there is a need for treatment models which can be applied within the primary care setting. Primary care studies of enhanced care, which includes techniques of reattribution or cognitive behavioural therapy, or both, have shown changes in healthcare professionals' attitudes and behaviour. However, studies of patient outcome have shown variable results and the value of enhanced care on patient outcome remains unclear. ⋯ Current evidence does not answer the question whether enhanced care delivered by front line primary care professionals has an effect or not on the outcome of patients with functional somatic symptoms. Enhanced care may have an effect when delivered per protocol to well-defined groups of patients with functional disorders, but this needs further investigation. Attention should be paid to difficulties including limited consultation time, lack of skills, the need for a degree of diagnostic openness, and patient resistance towards psychosomatic attributions. There is some indication from this and other reviews that more intensive interventions are more successful in changing patient outcomes.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Oct 2013
ReviewWITHDRAWN: Opioid switching to improve pain relief and drug tolerability.
The original authors were unable to complete an update of this review. A new protocol is in preparation with a new author team, who have revised the title. ⋯ Please contact the PaPaS CRG for more information. The editorial group responsible for this previously published document have withdrawn it from publication.