Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2013
ReviewMechanical ventilation for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as motor neuron disease, is a fatal neurodegenerative disease. Neuromuscular respiratory failure is the commonest cause of death, usually within two to five years of the disease onset. Supporting respiratory function with mechanical ventilation may improve survival and quality of life. This is the first update of a review first published in 2009. ⋯ Evidence from a single randomised trial of non-invasive ventilation in 41 participants suggests that it significantly prolongs survival and improves or maintains quality of life in people with ALS. Survival and some measures of quality of life were significantly improved in the subgroup of people with better bulbar function, but not in those with severe bulbar impairment. Future studies should examine the health economics of NIV and factors influencing access to NIV. We need to understand the factors, personal and socioeconomic, that determine access to NIV.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2013
Review Meta AnalysisTraining to recognise the early signs of recurrence in schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia has a lifetime prevalence of less than one per cent. Studies have indicated that early symptoms that are idiosyncratic to the person with schizophrenia (early warning signs) often precede acute psychotic relapse. Early warning signs interventions propose that learning to detect and manage early warning signs of impending relapse might prevent or delay acute psychotic relapse. ⋯ This review indicates that early warning signs interventions may have a positive effect on the proportions of people re-hospitalised and on rates of relapse, but not on time to recurrence. However, the overall quality of the evidence was very low, indicating that we do not know if early warning signs interventions will have similar effects outside trials and that it is very likely that further research will alter these estimates. Moreover, the early warning signs interventions were used along side other psychological interventions, and we do not know if they would be effective on their own. They may be cost-effective due to reduced hospitalisation and relapse rates, but before mental health services consider routinely providing psychological interventions involving the early recognition and prompt management of early warning signs to adults with schizophrenia, further research is required to provide evidence of high or moderate quality regarding the efficacy of early warning signs interventions added to usual care without additional psychological interventions, or to clarify the kinds of additional psychological interventions that might aid its efficacy. Future RCTs should be adequately-powered, and designed to minimise the risk of bias and be transparently reported. They should also systematically evaluate resource costs and resource use, alongside efficacy outcomes and other outcomes that are important to people with serious mental illness and their carers.
Herbal medicines are used as treatment for viral diseases such as viral myocarditis, and numerous clinical trials have been conducted to investigate their efficacy. Despite this wealth of evidence, the role of herbal medicines in the treatment of viral myocarditis has yet to be established. This is an update of a review published in 2012. ⋯ Since no new trials were identified in the updated search in 2013, the conclusions remain the same as they were in 2012. There is no evidence of benefit of herbal medicine on all cause mortality. Some herbal medicines may lead to improvement of ventricular premature beat, electrocardiogram, levels of myocardial enzymes, and cardiac function in viral myocarditis. However, these findings should be interpreted with care, due to the risk of bias of the included studies, small sample size, and limited number of trials on individual herbs. Further robust trials are needed to explore the use of herbal medicines for viral myocarditis.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2013
Review Meta AnalysisPain relief for women undergoing oocyte retrieval for assisted reproduction.
Various methods of conscious sedation and analgesia have been used for pain relief during oocyte recovery in in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) procedures. The choice of agent has also been influenced by the quality of sedation and analgesia as well as by concerns about possible detrimental effects on reproductive outcomes. ⋯ The evidence from this review of 21 randomised controlled trials did not support one particular method or technique over another in providing effective conscious sedation and analgesia for pain relief during and after oocyte recovery. The simultaneous use of more than one method of sedation and pain relief resulted in better pain relief than one modality alone. The various approaches and techniques reviewed appeared to be acceptable and were associated with a high degree of satisfaction in women. As women vary in their experience of pain and in coping strategies, the optimal method may be individualised depending on the preferences of both the women and the clinicians and resource availability.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2013
ReviewVasopressin and its analogues for the treatment of refractory hypotension in neonates.
Neonatal hypotension that is refractory to volume expansion, catecholamines, or corticosteroids has a mortality of about 50%. Optimization of blood pressure and tissue perfusion in refractory hypotension may be crucial to improve clinical outcomes. Vasopressin, a neuropeptide hormone, or its analogue terlipressin has been used to treat refractory hypotension in neonates and may be effective. ⋯ There is insufficient evidence to recommend or refute the use of vasopressin or its analogues in the treatment of refractory hypotension in neonates. Well-designed, adequately powered, randomized controlled studies are necessary to address efficacy, optimal dosing, safety and long-term neurodevelopmental and pulmonary outcomes.