Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2013
Review Meta AnalysisOxytocin augmentation of labour in women with epidural analgesia for reducing operative deliveries.
The rate of operative deliveries (both caesarean sections, vacuum extractions and forceps), continues to rise throughout the world. These are associated with significant maternal and neonatal morbidity. The most common reasons for operative births in nulliparous women are labour dystocia (failure to progress), and non-reassuring fetal status. Epidural analgesia has been shown to slow the progress of labour, as well as increase the rate of instrumental deliveries. However, it is unclear whether the use of oxytocin in women with epidural analgesia results in a reduction in operative deliveries, and thereby reduces both maternal and fetal morbidity. ⋯ There was no statistically significant difference identified between women in spontaneous labour with epidural analgesia who were augmented with oxytocin, compared with those who received placebo. However, due to the limited number of women included in the studies, further research in the form of randomised controlled trials are required.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2013
Review Meta AnalysisPegylated liposomal doxorubicin for first-line treatment of epithelial ovarian cancer.
Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is often diagnosed at an advanced stage, requiring primary cytoreductive surgery and combination chemotherapy for its first-line management. Currently, the recommended standard first-line chemotherapy is platinum-based, usually consisting of carboplatin and paclitaxel (PAC/carbo). Pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD) is an improved formulation of doxorubicin that is associated with fewer and less severe side effects than are seen with non-modified doxorubicin. In combination with carboplatin, PLD has recently been shown to improve progression-free survival compared with PAC/carbo in women with relapsed, platinum-sensitive EOC. It is therefore important to know whether any survival benefit can be attributed to PLD when it is used in the first-line setting. ⋯ PLD/carbo is a reasonable alternative to PAC/carbo for the first-line treatment of EOC. Although three-weekly PLD/carbo may be associated with increased dose delays and discontinuations compared with the standard PAC/carbo regimen, it might be more acceptable to women who wish to avoid alopecia or those at high risk of neurotoxicity. No survival benefits appear to be associated with the alternating triplet regimen, and the additional toxicity associated with adding PLD to PAC/carbo limits further investigation. Further studies are needed to establish the safest, most effective PLD/carbo regimen for newly diagnosed disease.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2013
Review Meta AnalysisFlexible sigmoidoscopy versus faecal occult blood testing for colorectal cancer screening in asymptomatic individuals.
Colorectal cancer is the third most frequent cancer in the world. As the sojourn time for this cancer is several years and a good prognosis is associated with early stage diagnosis, screening has been implemented in a number of countries. Both screening with faecal occult blood test and flexible sigmoidoscopy have been shown to reduce mortality from colorectal cancer in randomised controlled trials. The comparative effectiveness of these tests on colorectal cancer mortality has, however, never been evaluated, and controversies exist over which test to choose. ⋯ There is high quality evidence that both flexible sigmoidoscopy and faecal occult blood testing reduce colorectal cancer mortality when applied as screening tools. There is low quality indirect evidence that screening with either approach reduces colorectal cancer deaths more than the other. Major complications associated with screening require validation from studies with more complete reporting of harms
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2013
Review Meta AnalysisWithdrawal versus continuation of chronic antipsychotic drugs for behavioural and psychological symptoms in older people with dementia.
Antipsychotic agents are often used to treat neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) in dementia, although the literature is sceptical about their long-term use for this indication. Their effectiveness is limited and there is concern about adverse effects, including higher mortality with long-term use. When behavioural strategies have failed and drug therapy is instituted, regular attempts to withdraw these drugs are recommended. Physicians, nurses and families of older people with dementia are often reluctant to try to stop antipsychotics, fearing deterioration of NPS. Strategies to reduce antipsychotic use have been proposed, but a systematic review of interventions aimed at withdrawal of antipsychotic agents in older people with dementia has not yet been performed. ⋯ Our findings suggest that many older people with Alzheimer's dementia and NPS can be withdrawn from chronic antipsychotic medication without detrimental effects on their behaviour. It remains uncertain whether withdrawal is beneficial for cognition or psychomotor status, but the results of this review suggest that discontinuation programmes could be incorporated into routine practice. However, two studies of people whose agitation or psychosis had previously responded well to antipsychotic treatment found an increased risk of relapse or shorter time to relapse after discontinuation. Two other studies suggest that people with more severe NPS at baseline could benefit from continuing their antipsychotic medication. In these people, withdrawal might not be recommended.
Nausea and vomiting are common, distressing symptoms for patients receiving palliative care. There are several agents which can be used to treat these symptoms. Levomepromazine is an antipsychotic drug which is commonly used to alleviate nausea and vomiting in palliative care settings. ⋯ No randomised controlled trials were identified examining the use of levomepromazine for nausea and vomiting in palliative care. Further studies of levomepromazine and other antiemetic agents are needed to provide better evidence for their use in this setting.