Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2014
Review Meta AnalysisBiocompatible dialysis fluids for peritoneal dialysis.
The longevity of peritoneal dialysis (PD) is limited by high rates of technique failure, some of which stem from peritoneal membrane injury. 'Biocompatible' PD solutions have been developed to reduce damage to the peritoneal membrane. ⋯ Based on generally sub-optimal quality studies, use of neutral pH, low GDP PD solution led to greater urine output and higher residual renal function after use exceeded 12 months. Icodextrin prescription improved peritoneal ultrafiltration and mitigated uncontrolled fluid overload. There were no significant effects on peritonitis, technique survival, patient survival or harms identified with their use. Based on the best available evidence, the use of these 'biocompatible' PD solutions resulted in clinically relevant benefits without added risks of harm.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2014
ReviewIntraoperative local anaesthesia for reduction of postoperative pain following general anaesthesia for dental treatment in children and adolescents.
Whilst carrying out dental procedures under general anaesthesia (GA), practitioners routinely give local anaesthetics (LA) intraoperatively to children. Local anaesthetics are used to help manage postoperative pain and reduce bleeding and the physiological response to procedures. Studies of effectiveness of intraoperative LA to date have reported contradictory results. ⋯ In this review, it was difficult to reach firm conclusions as to the benefit of using local anaesthetic for dental treatment under general anaesthesia. The information reported in the included studies was comprehensive and applicable to the review question, but ultimately it was not sufficient to address the objective of the review. We were unable to pool the included studies in a meta-analysis because of substantial variation in outcome measures, interventions, and treatment types. The use of supplementary analgesia further obscured the effect of local anaesthetics.Based on the literature review and the results of this review, we recommend further randomised controlled trials that minimise bias through adequate allocation concealment and blinding of participants and assessors, and assess the effect of intraoperative local anaesthetic on the volume and type of anaesthetic used and on the cardiovascular system in participants receiving supplementary analgesics as well. Researchers should give consideration to the impact of any changes on the health and well-being of the participant and report baseline measures of pain or distress, or both, and preoperative anxiety.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2014
ReviewLow molecular weight heparin for prevention of central venous catheterization-related thrombosis in children.
The prevalence of children diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism has been increasing in the last decade. The most common thrombosis risk factor in neonates, infants and children is the placement of a central venous catheter (CVC). To date, it is unknown if the practice of anticoagulation prophylaxis with low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) decreases CVC-related thrombosis in children. ⋯ A single study reported imprecise effects for the risk of CVC-related thrombosis in children on a CVC anticoagulant prophylaxis regimen. The quality of the evidence was low due to the fact that the included study was clearly underpowered, hampering any conclusions in regards to the efficacy of LMWH prophylaxis to prevent CVC-related thrombi in children. Further prospective randomised studies are highly encouraged.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2014
Review Meta AnalysisPartial breast irradiation for early breast cancer.
Breast conserving therapy for women with breast cancer consists of local excision of the tumour (achieving clear margins) followed by radiation therapy (RT). RT is given to sterilize tumour cells that may remain after surgery to decrease the risk of local tumour recurrence. Most true recurrences occur in the same quadrant as the original tumour. Whole breast RT may not protect against the development of a new primary cancer developing in other quadrants of the breast. In this Cochrane Review, we investigated the role of delivering radiation to a limited volume of the breast around the tumour bed (partial breast irradiation: PBI) sometimes with a shortened treatment duration (accelerated partial breast irradiation: APBI). ⋯ The limitations of the data currently available mean that we cannot make definitive conclusions about the efficacy and safety or ways to deliver of PBI/APBI. We await completion of ongoing trials.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2014
ReviewRegular long-term red blood cell transfusions for managing chronic chest complications in sickle cell disease.
Sickle cell disease can cause severe vaso-occlusive crises and dysfunction of most organ systems. The two most common chronic chest complications due to sickle cell disease are pulmonary hypertension and chronic sickle lung disease. These complications can lead to morbidity (such as reduced exercise tolerance) and increased mortality. ⋯ There is a need for randomized controlled trials looking at the role of long-term transfusion therapy in pulmonary hypertension and chronic sickle lung disease. Due to the chronic nature of the conditions, such trials should aim to use a combination of objective and subjective measures to assess participants during an extended 'steady state' baseline, and after the intervention.