Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Feb 2014
Review Meta AnalysisContinuous versus interrupted skin sutures for non-obstetric surgery.
Most surgical procedures involve a cut in the skin, allowing the surgeon to gain access to the surgical site. Most surgical wounds are closed fully at the end of the procedure; this review focuses on these closed wounds. There are many ways to close the surgical incision, for example, using sutures (stitches), staples, tissue adhesives or tapes. Skin sutures can be continuous or interrupted. In general, continuous sutures are usually subcuticular and can be absorbable or non-absorbable, while interrupted sutures are usually non-absorbable and involve the full thickness of the skin - although some surgeons do use absorbable interrupted sutures. ⋯ Superficial wound dehiscence may be reduced by using continuous subcuticular sutures. However, there is uncertainty about this because of the quality of the evidence. Besides, the nature of the suture material used may have led to this observation, as the continuous suturing technique used suture material that did not need to be removed, whereas the comparator used interrupted (non-absorbable) sutures that did need to be removed. Differences in the methods of skin closure have the potential to affect patient outcomes and use of healthcare resources. Further well-designed trials at low risk of bias are necessary to determine which type of suturing is better.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Feb 2014
Review Meta AnalysisIntensive glucose control versus conventional glucose control for type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Clinical guidelines differ regarding their recommended blood glucose targets for patients with type 1 diabetes and recent studies on patients with type 2 diabetes suggest that aiming at very low targets can increase the risk of mortality. ⋯ Tight blood sugar control reduces the risk of developing microvascular diabetes complications. The evidence of benefit is mainly from studies in younger patients at early stages of the disease. Benefits need to be weighed against risks including severe hypoglycaemia, and patient training is an important aspect in practice. The effects of tight blood sugar control seem to become weaker once complications have been manifested. However, further research is needed on this issue. Furthermore, there is a lack of evidence from RCTs on the effects of tight blood sugar control in older patient populations or patients with macrovascular disease. There is no firm evidence for specific blood glucose targets and treatment goals need to be individualised taking into account age, disease progression, macrovascular risk, as well as the patient's lifestyle and disease management capabilities.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Feb 2014
ReviewAutomated weaning and spontaneous breathing trial systems versus non-automated weaning strategies for discontinuation time in invasively ventilated postoperative adults.
Automated systems use closed-loop control to enable ventilators to perform basic and advanced functions while supporting respiration. Selected automated systems can now not only measure selected respiratory variables and adapt ventilator output to individual patient needs by operationalizing predetermined algorithms but also automate the conduct of spontaneous breathing trials (SBTs). ⋯ There is a paucity of evidence from randomized controlled trials to support or refute use of automated weaning and SBT systems in discontinuing invasive mechanical ventilation in adult postoperative patients. In a single large trial of high methodologic quality, while the use of SmartCare™ to adjust ventilator settings and conduct SBTs shortened the time to undergoing the first SBT, it did not reduce the time to the first successful SBT or the rate of tracheostomy compared to a written protocol implemented by physicians. SmartCare™ did not demonstrate beneficial effects on clinically important outcomes including time to mechanical ventilation discontinuation, time to successful discontinuation, total duration of mechanical ventilation, and ICU and hospital lengths of stay. Additional well-designed, adequately powered randomized controlled trials are needed to clarify the role for SmartCare™ on important outcomes in patients who predominantly require short term ventilation and in specific postoperative patient populations.
Primary postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is one of the top five causes of maternal mortality in both developed and developing countries. ⋯ Clinical trials included in the current review were not adequately powered to assess impact on the primary outcome measures. Compared with misoprostol, oxytocin infusion is more effective and causes fewer side effects when used as first-line therapy for the treatment of primary PPH. When used after prophylactic uterotonics, misoprostol and oxytocin infusion worked similarly. The review suggests that among women who received oxytocin for the treatment of primary PPH, adjunctive use of misoprostol confers no added benefit.The role of tranexamic acid and compression methods requires further evaluation. Furthermore, future studies should focus on the best way to treat women who fail to respond to uterotonic therapy.
Alcohol dependence is a major public health problem that is characterised by recidivism and a host of medical and psychosocial complications. Besides psychosocial interventions, different pharmacological interventions have been or currently are under investigation through Cochrane systematic reviews. ⋯ At the current stage of research, randomised evidence supporting the clinical use of anticonvulsants to treat alcohol dependence is insufficient. Results are conditioned by heterogeneity and by the low number and quality of studies comparing anticonvulsants with other medications. The uncertainty associated with these results leaves to clinicians the need to balance possible benefits/risks of treatment with anticonvulsants versus other medications as supported by evidence of efficacy.