Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2000
ReviewPrinted educational materials: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes.
It is often assumed that merely providing information in an accessible form will influence practice. Although such a strategy is still widely used in an attempt to change behaviour, there is a growing awareness that simply providing information may not lead to appropriate changes in the practice of health care professionals. ⋯ The effects of printed educational materials compared with no active intervention appear small and of uncertain clinical significance. These conclusions should be viewed as tentative due to the poor reporting of results and inappropriate primary analyses. The additional impact of more active interventions produced mixed results. Audit and feedback and conferences/workshops did not appear to produce substantial changes in practice; the effects in the evaluations of educational outreach visits and opinion leaders were larger and likely to be of practical importance. None of the studies included full economic analyses, and thus it is unclear to what extent the effects of any of the interventions may be worth the costs involved.
Oligo-astheno-teratospermia (sperm of low concentration, reduced motility and increased abnormal morphology) of unknown cause is common and the need for treatment is felt by patients and doctors alike. As a result, a variety of empirical, non-specific treatments have been used in an attempt to improve semen characteristics and fertility. One suggested treatment for idiopathic oligo- and/or asthenospermia is the administration of kallikrein (kallidinogenase), a kinin-releasing enzyme (or kininogenase). The kinin biological system is complex and involves kininogen (the substrate), kininogenases (the activating enzymes), kinins (the effectors) and kininases (the inactivating enzymes). All four components of the kinin system have been found in the genitalia and in semen. Kallikrein releases 2 major kinins, kallidin and bradykinin, from seminal plasma kininogens. Activated kinins in semen affect sperm motility and metabolism. In vitro addition of kallikrein to semen has been shown to have a positive effect on sperm motility, sperm velocity, cervical mucus penetration, penetration of zona-free hamster eggs and post-thaw survival and motility rate after semen cryopreservation. The latter observation, however, was not confirmed in a more recent comparison of motility stimulants for cryopreserved semen using computerised sperm motion analysis. In vitro treatment of semen with kallikrein has been employed in a clinical context during sperm preparation prior to insemination. Although the kinin system may also be involved in the regulation of spermatogenesis in vivo, a clear mechanism of action is missing. Multiple suggestions on how an increase in kinin levels in the genital tract influences spermatogenesis at the testicular levels have been made by various authors. ⋯ Methodological characteristics of trials Baseline characteristics of the studied groups Outcomes: Pregnancy rates, semen parameters (sperm concentration, motility and morphology), endocrinology (serum FSH, testosterone and oestradiol)
To estimate the short-term efficacy and toxicity of antimalarials for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). ⋯ Hydroxychloroquine appears to be efficacious for the treatment of RA. Its overall effect appears to be moderate, but its low toxicity profile should be considered when treating patients with RA.
Speleotherapy, the use of subterranean environments, is a therapeutic measure in the treatment of chronic obstructive airways diseases. It is virtually unknown in the UK or the US, but has considerable widespread use in some Central and Eastern European countries. ⋯ The available evidence does not permit a reliable conclusion as to whether speleo-therapeutic interventions are effective for the treatment of chronic asthma. Randomized controlled trials with long-term follow-up are necessary.
Plague is endemic in China, Mongolia, Burma, Vietnam, Indonesia, India, large parts of Southern Africa, the United States and South America. There are three types of vaccines (live attenuated, killed and F1 fraction) with varying means of administration. ⋯ There is not enough evidence to evaluate the effectiveness of any plague vaccine, or the relative effectiveness between vaccines and their tolerability. Circumstantial data from observational studies suggest that killed types may be more effective and have fewer adverse effects than attenuated types of vaccine. No evidence appears to exist on the long-term effects of any plague vaccine.