Dtsch Arztebl Int
A number of new drugs for tumor immunotherapy have been approved in the past few years. They work by activating T cells to combat tumors. ⋯ T-cell-directed strategies have been established as a new pillar of treatment in medical oncology. As these drugs have frequent and severe adverse effects, therapeutic decision-making will have to take account not only of the predicted prolongation of survival, but also of the potential for an impaired quality of life while the patient is under treatment.
Systematic reviews provide a structured summary of the results of trials that have been carried out on any particular subject. If the data from multiple trials are sufficiently homogenous, a meta-analysis can be performed to calculate pooled effect estimates. Traditional meta-analysis involves groups of trials that compare the same two interventions directly (head to head). Lately, however, indirect comparisons and network metaanalyses have become increasingly common. ⋯ Indirect comparisons and network metaanalyses are an important further development of traditional meta-analysis. Clear and detailed documentation is needed so that findings obtained by these new methods can be reliably judged.
Thrombocytopenia is, after anemia, the second most common abnormality of the complete blood count in pregnancy, with a reported frequency of 6.6% to 11.2%. It has many causes. Thrombocytopenia should be diagnostically evaluated as early as possible in pregnancy, so that the obstetrical management can be accordingly planned to minimize harm to the mother and child. As the various underlying diseases share clinical features and laboratory findings, the differential diagnosis is often a difficult interdisciplinary challenge. ⋯ The early interdisciplinary evaluation of thrombocytopenia in pregnancy is a prerequisite for the optimal care of the mother and child. The development of evidence-based recommendations for interdisciplinary management should be a goal for the near future.
1.7% of children taking medication on an outpatient basis in Germany have at least one adverse drug reaction (ADR). The corresponding figure for hospitalized children is estimated at 10% . ⋯ The process of drug administration should be optimized through suitable interventions and electronic support, with due consideration of local circumstances. Clinical trials on children should be encouraged as a means of improving drug safety, and additional financial incentives should be created for trials concerning drugs that are off-patent. Physicians and pharmacists should take care to report adverse reactions as they are required to do by professional code, particularly in the case of new drugs, off-label use, or medication errors. A recognized national standard for dosing that can be implemented in computerized physician order entry systems is needed so that evidence-based pediatric dosages can be calculated.
Music therapy has been used successfully for over 30 years as part of palliative care programs for severely ill patients. There is nonetheless a lack of high-quality studies that would enable an evidence-based evaluation of its psychological and physiological effects. ⋯ Music therapy is an effective treatment with a low dropout rate for the promotion of relaxation and well-being in terminally ill persons undergoing palliative care.