Int J Med Sci
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Comparison of the Analgesic Properties of Sevoflurane and Desflurane Using Surgical Pleth Index at Equi-Minimum Alveolar Concentration.
Background: Traditionally, minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) has been used as the standard measure to compare the potencies of volatile anesthetics. However, it reflects the spinal mechanism of immobility rather than the subcortical mechanism of analgesia. Recently, the surgical pleth index (SPI) derived from photoplethysmographic waveform was shown to reflect the intraoperative analgesic component. ⋯ Results: During the steady state of age-corrected 1.0 MAC, mean SPI values throughout the entire study period were significantly higher in the sevoflurane group than in the desflurane group (38.1 ± 12.8 vs. 30.7 ± 8.8, respectively, P = 0.005), and mean BIS values were significantly higher in the sevoflurane group than in the desflurane group (40.7 ± 5.8 vs. 36.8 ± 6.2, respectively, P = 0.008). Conclusions: Equi-MAC of sevoflurane and desflurane did not produce similar surgical pleth index values. Therefore, sevoflurane and desflurane may have different analgesic properties at equipotent concentrations.
The limited availability of melanoma stem cells is a major challenge for therapeutic reagent screening and study of molecular mechanisms. It has been shown that induced expression of four stem cell factors (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc) changes the phenotype of osteosarcoma and breast cancer cells to osteosarcoma stem cells and breast cancer stem cells, respectively. The present study aimed to explore whether these four factors might change the phenotype of melanoma cells to melanoma stem cells and, if so, to examine the possible molecular signal involved. ⋯ The conclusion was further supported by the observation that the induction of these factors exclusively increased the mRNA of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 which has been reported to play a crucial role in stem cell maintenance. Thus, phenotypic remodeling of melanoma cells following the induction of these four factors provided a simple and optimal means to constantly obtain MSCs for screening new therapeutic reagents. The result also reveals that Stat3 may be a crucial link between the induction of the four factors and the cell remodeling, suggesting its potential role as a target to fight melanoma.
We investigated the role of programmed necrosis (necroptosis), a newly recognized form of cell necrosis that has been implicated in the development of steroid-induced osteonecrosis. We used an osteonecrosis model in which 30 Japanese white rabbits each weighing 3.5kg were injected once with methylprednisolone at 20 mg/kg body weight into the right gluteal muscle. Ten animals killed 14 days thereafter were designated as S14d groups, while another 10 animals injected with necroptosis, a specific inhibitor of necrostatin-1 i.v. at 1.65mg/kg on the same day as the steroid were also killed on the 14th day and designated as SN14d group. ⋯ Necroptosis mediated by RIP1 and RIP3 expression was thought to be implicated in the development of steroid-induced osteonecrosis. Also, by suppressing expression of RIP1 and 3 with the administration of Nec-1 the osteonecrosis rate was significantly decreased. These results suggest that necroptosis may have potential as a novel target for both elucidating the mechanisms underlying steroid-induced osteonecrosis and establishing more effective prophylactic countermeasures.
Background: Modern medicine recognizes that salient, inherent variations between Caucasians and Asians exist. Radical changes are occurring in the health scene with increasing emphasis centered on the recognition of inter-individual variations unique to Asians that impact on medical management and outcomes. Aim: This review analyzes distinct features or outcomes in terms of epidemiology, disease thresholds, diagnostic cutoffs and treatment responses of Asian people compared with non-Asians. ⋯ Results: An 'Asian phenotype' could be characterized across the spectrum of biomedical disciplines and underscores the major challenges clinicians must face in their daily management of a cosmopolitan population and their extrapolation of research outcomes. Conclusion: Interventions for various ailments that have traditionally ignored population differences have now entered the age of personalized, stratified or precision medicine requiring an individualized approach being adopted as a new standard of care. Factoring in Asian phenotypes is essential for the medical research community and the development of improved clinical practice guidelines across a continuum of disciplines that will ultimately translate to better human health round the world.
Clinical Trial
Trigeminal nerve block with alcohol for medically intractable classic trigeminal neuralgia: long-term clinical effectiveness on pain.
Trigeminal nerve block (Tnb) with alcohol for trigeminal neuralgia (TN) may not be used widely as a percutaneous procedure for medically intractable TN in recent clinical work, because it has been considered having a limited duration of pain relief, a decrease in success rate and increase in complications on repeated blocks. ⋯ Tnb with alcohol for the pain management of TN can provide considerably long lasting pain relief. Repeated Tnb with alcohol has pain relief duration as long as the first block, and seems to produce less complication as well. Tnb with alcohol is a valuable treatment modality of TN as a percutaneous procedure.