Natl Med J India
Mycobacterium chimaera was first described in 2004, coming to prominence in 2011 with reports from across the globe of invasive infections following cardiac surgery. This outbreak was linked to a specific type of heater cooler machine used for cardiac surgery by whole-genome sequencing. We briefly outline what is currently known about this pathogen, highlighting the importance of clinical vigilance and the diagnostic options for the clinician.
. Infection-related glomerulonephritis (IRGN) in adults is witnessing a dramatic shift in its epidemiology and outcome. Adult IRGN studies are all retrospective in nature, and Indian studies are scarce. ⋯ . A proportion of adult IRGN patients progress to chronic kidney disease.
. Tumours of the eyelid are a rare subgroup of neoplasms with varied histology and inherent differences in clinical behaviour. Surgery is the standard of care, and adjuvant radiation therapy (RT) is given in the presence of features suggesting a high risk of local recurrence. The treatment of lymph nodes in the neck is debatable. We reviewed the utility of RT for lymph nodes in the neck in patients with malignant tumours of the eyelid. ⋯ . We found a favourable outcome with early T stage, RT dose of ≥60 Gy and lymph node dissection. High-risk histopathological features including close margins and positive lymph nodes merit adjuvant RT including regional lymph nodes.
Primary systemic amyloidosis is an uncommon disease which presents with involvement of the kidney, heart, peripheral nervous system and liver. The involvement of skeletal muscles called amyloid myopathy is uncommon. We report a 74-year-old male who presented with progressively drooping shoulders followed by other muscular involvement without other organ involvement as a manifestation of amyloidosis. The patient was managed with melphalan, prednisolone and thalidomide with clinical improvement.