Pak J Med Sci
To determine the effectiveness of motor relearning program along with electrical stimulation for improving upper limb function in patients with sub-acute stroke. ⋯ Motor relearning program along with electrical stimulation significantly improves upper limb function in patients with sub-acute stroke.
Excessive use of mobile phones has raised a great concern about adverse health effects on human health. The present study's aim was to investigate the association of the usage of smartphones with cognitive function impairment in the Saudi adult population. ⋯ Excessive use of mobile phones can cause cognitive function impairment. Strict policies must be implemented to control the use of smartphones in order to minimize the effects on mobile phone radiation on cognition. The media has to be on the forefront in educating the public about the proper usage of mobile phones.
Feedback brings a fresh perspective and improvement in any organization. Health professionals (HPs) lose insight of the gaps in medical care. The views of student nurses can help improve systems. The objective of this study was to assess the views of our student nurses and how they perceive the way the doctors and HPs work in our hospital and comment on training, attitudes, care pathways, teamwork, and what needed to be improved. ⋯ Doctors need to improve their counseling skills and should talk more to the patients and their relatives. They should acknowledge the nursing students and improve teamwork. Belittling them in front of others harms their self-efficacy. Simple corrections like punctuality, ownership of their patients and improvement of equipment and systems can improve patient care.
Dealing with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia symptoms is a major challenge for teachers and school psychologists while addressing students' issues. The present study was designed to examine the prevalence and comorbidity of specific learning disabilities (SLD) symptoms such as dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia in public and private schools of Lahore, Pakistan. ⋯ High prevalence of SLD symptoms and comorbidity in students was found which is alarming, particularly in public sector schools in Pakistan. SLD and dyslexia were higher for boys, whereas girls scored high on dysgraphia and dyscalculia. Therefore, there is great need of introducing screening measure of assessment of SLD and management strategies to deal with these issues.
To evaluate the effects of structured exercise regime on Glycosylated hemoglobin and C reactive protein in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus. ⋯ Structured exercise regime helps in reducing values of glycosylated hemoglobin and C reactive protein in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus.