Terapevt Arkh
Observational Study
[European Registry on the management of Helicobacter pylori infection (Hp-EuReg protocol): The first results of Russian centers].
To assess the clinical practice of diagnosis and treatment in patients with Helicobacter pylori infection and to compare this practice with the international guidelines in the European Registry on the management of Helicobacter pylori infection, Hp-EuReg protocol), a multicenter prospective observational study initiated by the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group. MATERIALs AND METHODS: The data of 813 patients infected with H. pylori and entered in the Hp-EuReg register by the Russian centers in 2013-2015 were analyzed. ⋯ Significant differences were found between clinical practice and the current guidelines.
To investigate the impact of anemia correction with erythropoiesis stimulants on the serum level of the circulating morphogenetic protein α-Klotho in patients with Stages 3B--4 chronic kidney disease (CKD). ⋯ The serum level of the protein Klotho is not only a marker for the severity of CKD and its complications (anemia, left ventricular hypertrophy, and heart failure), but also a pathogenetic factor of CKD progression. Anemia correction with erythropoiesis stimulants has been shown to enhance the renal and extrarenal production of α-Klotho.
In the modern world, there is a rapid advance in the design and clinical introduction of a huge number of drugs that are able to cure a patient or to improve his/her health status on the one hand and to cause significant harm to his/her health on the other. Polypragmasy is the desire to enhance the efficiency of treatment and to help the patient recover from all developed diseases inevitably leads to the use of a large number of medications. ⋯ Currently, the fight against polypragmasy is one of the important tasks in rendering medical care to elderly and senile patients since it is a major risk factor of adverse drug reactions in this category of people. To minimize polypragmasy in elderly patients, it is necessary to use current methods for analyzing each prescription of a drug (the index of rational drug prescribing; an anticholinergic burden scale) and those for optimizing pharmacotherapy with the use of restrictive lists (Beers criteria, STOPP/START criteria) that will be able to reduce the number of errors in the administration of drugs and to maximize the efficiency and safety of pharmacotherapy.