Terapevt Arkh
Article is devoted to a research of interrelation of psychosocial factors and courses of coronary heart disease (CHD). The anxiety, a depression, social isolation of patients with CHD is considered. Need of identification of psychosocial factors at patients with CHD for the purpose of their correction and improvement of the forecast of sick CHD and quality of their life is shown.
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a severe, disabling disease characterized by an increase pressure in the pulmonary artery (PA), an increase pressure in the right atrium, and a decrease of the cardiac output. It combines several diseases: idiopathic pulmonary hypertension, inherited pulmonary hypertension, PAH induced by medication and toxins, PAH associated with systemic diseases of connective tissue, HIV infection, portal hypertension, congenital heart defects, schistosomiasis. In the absence of treatment, PAH quickly leads to insufficiency of the right heart and premature death. ⋯ Modern studies of treatment of PAH are based on the latest data of the molecular transmission mechanisms of intracellular and intercellular signals, the action of hormones and tissue enzymes. The available results of these studies allow to suggest the inclusion to clinical guidelines several new drugs for the pathogenetic treatment of PAH in the near future: receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors, Rho - kinase inhibitors, immunosuppressants and type 2 activin receptor agonists, protein kinase C inhibitors, aromatase inhibitors and estrogen receptor antagonists, poly-(ADP-ribose)-polymerase inhibitors and bromodomain protein 4, elastase inhibitors. Some of the drugs have already passed the III phase of clinical trials (imatinib), others are at the preclinical stage or at the I-II phase tests (olaparib, enzastaurin, elafin).
HCV infection treatment regimens are viewed from positions of HCV life cycle and replication, effects of NS3/4A protease inhibitors and NS5A/NS5B inhibitors on HCV strain replication. Evolution of HCV treatment regimens from its discovery to modern DAA agents had led to substantial progress although drug resistance poses a new issue to be addressed.
To study the main causes of severe course and high mortality in patients with nervous form of listeriosis. ⋯ Severe course and high mortality are due to atypical picture of the disease, late diagnosis, low bioavailability of the pathogen for antibiotics (intracellular persistence of the pathogen) and frequent resistance to them. The mortality from the nervous form of listeriosis was 33.3%.
Over the past decade, there has been an increasing number of patients infected with HIV. The disease gradually leads to a pronounced immunodeficiency and death. ⋯ The knowledge of dermatologists of other dermatological aspects of HIV-infection by dermatologists and doctors will allow timely early detection of HIV-infected patients and avoid diagnostic errors. A clinical follow - up was carried out which showed issues of diagnostics while examining patients with HIV infection in outpatient practice.