This study explores the functional and structural patterns of connectivity underlying working memory impairment after severe traumatic axonal injury. ⋯ Combining structural and functional neuroimaging data, we were able to describe structural white matter changes related to functional network alterations and to lower performance in working memory in chronic TBI.
Functional neuroimaging has shown that the absence of externally observable signs of consciousness and cognition in severely brain-injured patients does not necessarily indicate the true absence of such abilities. However, relative to traumatic brain injury, nontraumatic injury is known to be associated with a reduced likelihood of regaining overtly measurable levels of consciousness. We investigated the relationships between etiology and both overt and covert cognitive abilities in a group of patients in the minimally conscious state (MCS). ⋯ The overt behavioral signs of awareness (measured with the Coma Recovery Scale-Revised) exhibited by nontraumatic MCS patients appear to be an accurate reflection of their covert cognitive abilities. In contrast, one-third of a group of traumatically injured patients in the MCS possess a range of high-level cognitive faculties that are not evident from their overt behavior.
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the ventral intermediate nucleus of thalamus (VIM) is a treatment option in medically intractable tremor, such as essential tremor or tremor-dominant Parkinson disease (PD). Although functional studies demonstrated modulation of remote regions, the structural network supporting this is as yet unknown. In this observational study, we analyzed the network mediating clinical tremor modulation. ⋯ Patients undergoing DBS provide a unique opportunity to assess an electrophysiologically defined seed region in human thalamus, a technique that is usually restricted to animal research. In the future, preoperative tractography could aid with stereotactic planning of individual subcortical target points for stimulation in tremor and in other disease entities.
EEG and serum neuron-specific enolase (NSE) are used for outcome prognostication in patients with postanoxic coma; however, it is unclear if EEG abnormalities reflect transient neuronal dysfunction or neuronal death. To assess this question, EEG abnormalities were correlated with NSE. Moreover, NSE cutoff values and hypothermic EEG features related with poor outcome were explored. ⋯ The correlation between EEG during TH and serum NSE levels supports the hypothesis that early EEG alterations reflect permanent neuronal damage. Furthermore, this study confirms that absent EEG background reactivity and presence of epileptiform transients are robust predictors of poor outcome after CA, and that survival with good neurologic recovery is possible despite serum NSE levels> 33 μg/L. This underscores the importance of multimodal assessments in this setting.