Contemp Nurse
Multicenter Study Comparative Study
Comparing written and oral approaches to clinical reporting in nursing.
Patient safety is compromised if vital clinical information is not available to all members of the healthcare team. Therefore, it is important to understand the differences between patient information found in nursing documentation and information presented at clinical nursing handover. ⋯ Clinical handover produced a comprehensive picture of the patient's condition and care whereas nursing documentation tended to present a series of descriptions of tasks performed by nurses. There is a need to investigate new systems of communication promoting congruence between clinical handover and nursing documentation to ensure that all patient information can be accessed by all interested parties.
The diagnostic journey of ovarian cancer: a review of the literature and suggestions for practice.
Ovarian cancer is the most lethal form of gynaecological cancer. It can be difficult to diagnose, with the majority of diagnoses made at a late stage of disease. An integrative literature review was conducted to explore the ovarian cancer diagnostic journey of women and to examine the potential contribution of using a person-centred approach. ⋯ This paper proposes utilising the principles of PCHC to improve women's experience of the diagnostic journey. Specific strategies are suggested for each delay phase to enhance the experience for women. Whilst the challenges in diagnosing the disease are likely to remain until a screening test is available, it is hoped that by implementing strategies based upon PCHC, nurses may facilitate the ovarian cancer diagnostic process and improve the diagnostic experience for women.
China is a country experiencing urgent and rapid urbanisation as it integrates Western ways of knowing and being. These rapid changes pose particular challenges for adolescents negotiating constructs of identity between worldviews. This paper will present a report on observations made on a recent scoping visit by two nurse academics to three Chinese cities. ⋯ Community health nurses are challenged to make sense of these issues and how best to support adolescents, their families and communities. Contexts of care for community health nurses are also problematic as adolescent education takes priority as a driver for economic growth. Accordingly, this paper will also explore enablers and barriers for this group of community health nurses.
The provision of Indigenous cultural training for non-Indigenous health workers has been widely promoted as a method of improving health service provision to 'close the gap' in Indigenous health. However, in the absence of strong evidence, the power of Indigenous cultural training to meaningfully contribute to the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples remains questionable. This research explored how six hospital-based nurses consider the role of Indigenous cultural training and the impact it has had on their practice through individual semi-structured interviews. ⋯ Utilising post-colonial theory, two key findings emerge. First, the way in which Indigenous cultural training conceptualises 'identity' and 'culture' is critical to its ultimate outcomes. Second, deficits in institutional support limit the efficacy of Indigenous cultural training by placing the onus for institutional change on the shoulders of individual health workers.