Bmc Nephrol
Burn patients with AKI have a higher mortality, rapid diagnosis and early treatment of AKI are necessary. Recent studies have demonstrated that urinary KIM-1 and IL-18 are potential biomarkers of early-stage AKI, however, changes in urinary KIM-1 and IL-18 levels are unclear in patients with burns. The aim of our study was to determine whether combined KIM-1 and IL-18 are more sensitive than traditional markers in detecting kidney injury in patients with burns. ⋯ Our results suggest that urinary KIM-1 and IL-18 may be used as early, sensitive indicators of AKI in patients with burns of varying degrees and provide clinical clues that can be used in early prevention of AKI.
The role of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) as a diagnostic marker for acute kidney injury (AKI) in sepsis is still debated. We hypothesized that in sepsis, the performance of serum(s) and urinary(u) NGAL can be negatively impacted by severity of illness and inflammation, and that both uNGAL and sNGAL levels can be increased regardless of presence of AKI. ⋯ Serum and uNGAL levels are influenced by severity of illness and inflammation, and this was found to be independent of the presence of AKI. There is a strong correlation between sNGAL and uNGAL levels in patients with sepsis, indicating that increased levels of uNGAL can also be due to overspill from the systemic circulation, blurring the discriminative value of NGAL as a biomarker for AKI in patients with sepsis.
A noninvasive system for determining left ventricular (LV) filling pressure may help to improve personalized fluid removal goals in hemodialysis patients. We previously showed that the change in photoplethysmography (PPG) pulse amplitude measured by finger PPG during a Valsalva maneuver correlates with invasively measured left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP). This key PPG change, the ratio of finger PPG pulse amplitude at end-Valsalva to baseline, is known as the Pulse Amplitude Ratio, PAR. The objective of this study was to determine how PAR changes after fluid removal in hemodialysis. ⋯ An index of left heart filling pressure obtained noninvasively using finger photoplethysmography during the Valsalva maneuver is sensitive enough to detect reductions in filling pressure after fluid removal with hemodialysis. Further studies are warranted to determine if this method can be used to guide fluid removal during hemodialysis.
Observational Study
Acute kidney injury among adult patients with sepsis in a low-income country: clinical patterns and short-term outcomes.
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common complication of sepsis. We determined the prevalence of AKI among adult patients with sepsis on the medical wards in a low-income country and described their clinical pattern and outcomes at discharge. ⋯ The prevalence, morbidity and mortality due to AKI among sepsis patients in Uganda is very high and limited access to dialysis and ICU care is a major factor in poor outcomes for these patients.
Provision of exceptional medical care is a goal for the medical profession because this is what the public needs and deserves. Academic medical centers that value excellent clinicians may have the best chance to recruit and retain these faculty members. When our institution hoped to launch the Miller Coulson Academy of Clinical Excellence to measure and reward master clinicians, a critical first step was to use rigorous methods to develop a definition of clinical excellence. Published papers have illustrated that this general definition of clinical excellence is applicable to fields of psychiatry, cardiology, and pediatrics. In this manuscript, we apply the definition of clinical excellence to nephrology. Using the same framework, we reviewed the literature to find clinical cases and exemplary nephrologists that highlight the specific domains. This collection of reports in nephrology illustrates that the definition of clinical excellence set forth by the Miller Coulson Academy is highly applicable to physicians caring for individuals with kidney disease. Relating the definition of clinical excellence to renal medicine is worthwhile in that it can help to exemplify the model to which physicians and trainees may seek to aspire. ⋯ Many examples of clinical excellence in renal medicine can be found in the published medical literature. The domains of clinical excellence, described by the Miller-Coulson Academy of Clinical Excellence, apply very well to the field of nephrology.