BMC anesthesiology
Maintaining patent airways is vital in pediatric anesthetic management. Failure to manage and anticipate difficult laryngoscopy (DL) preoperatively is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Data on the predictive values of screening parameters in predicting DL are limited in children. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the predictive value of the modified Mallampati test (MMT), upper lip bite test (ULBT), thyromental distance (TMD), and ratio of height to thyromental distance (RHTMD) in predicting DL in children aged 5-12 years at selected Addis Ababa governmental hospitals in Ethiopia. ⋯ The MMT and ULBT are good screening tests, followed by the TMD in predicting DL, while the RHTMD was the least accurate predictor. Because no single test has 100% predictive value, a combination of screening tests is advised in pediatrics for predicting DL.
Observational Study
Clinical impact of physician staffing transition in intensive care units: a retrospective observational study.
Intensivists play an essential role in improving the outcomes of critically ill patients in intensive care units (ICUs). The transition of ICU physician staffing from low-intensity ICUs (elective intensivist or no intensivist consultation) to high-intensity ICUs (mandatory intensivist consultation or a closed ICU) improves clinical outcomes. However, whether a transition from high-intensity to low-intensity ICU staffing affects ICU outcomes and quality of care remains unknown. ⋯ There was no statistically significant difference in all-cause mortality among the three ICU staffing periods. This study suggests that low-intensity ICU staffing might not worsen clinical outcomes in the ICU in a medium-sized community hospital. Multiple factors, including the presence of an intensivist, other medical staff, and practical guidelines, influence the prognosis of critically ill patients.
In this review, we describe the major milestones in the development of organ transplantation with a specific focus on hepatic transplantation. For many years, the barriers preventing successful organ transplantation in humans seemed insurmountable. Although advances in surgical technique provided the technical ability to perform organ transplantation, limited understanding of immunology prevented successful organ transplantation. ⋯ Establishing dedicated transplant anesthesia teams results in improved organ transplantation outcomes and provides a foundation for developing new standards for other subspecialties in anesthesiology, critical care, and medicine overall. Through a century of discovery, the success we enjoy at the present time is the result of the work of well-organized multidisciplinary teams following standardized protocols and thereby saving thousands of lives worldwide each year. With continuing innovation, the future is bright.
Observational Study
Association between hypomagnesemia and coagulopathy in sepsis: a retrospective observational study.
Hypomagnesemia reportedly has significant associations with poor clinical outcomes such as increased mortality and septic shock in patients with sepsis. Although the mechanism underlying these outcomes mostly remains unclear, some experimental data suggest that magnesium deficiency could potentiate coagulation activation in sepsis. However, in sepsis, the association between serum magnesium levels and coagulopathy, including disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), remains unknown. Thus, we aimed to investigate the relationship between serum magnesium levels and coagulation status and the association between hypomagnesemia and DIC in patients with sepsis. ⋯ Patients with hypomagnesemia had a significantly activated coagulation status and suppressed fibrinolysis. Hypomagnesemia was independently associated with DIC in patients with sepsis. Therefore, the treatment of hypomagnesemia may be a potential therapeutic strategy for the treatment of coagulopathy in sepsis.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Impact of choice of nostril on nasotracheal intubation when using video rigid stylet: a randomized clinical trial.
Patients undergoing oral and maxillofacial surgeries under general anesthesia usually require nasotracheal intubation. When presented with patients with equally patent nostrils, selection of the nostril to use for intubation is an important decision for facilitating intubation. The objective of this trial is to determine whether choice of nostril impacts nasotracheal intubation when using a video rigid stylet in patients undergoing oral and maxillofacial surgery. ⋯ When considering which nostril to use for intubation with video rigid stylet, either nostril can be used similarly.