BMC anesthesiology
Observational Study
Influence of early elective tracheostomy on the incidence of postoperative complications in patients undergoing head and neck surgery.
The incidence of postoperative complications after head and neck surgery is high. This study evaluated the influence of early elective tracheostomy on the incidence of postoperative pneumonia and delirium. ⋯ Early primary tracheostomy in patients undergoing resection of oropharyngeal cancer seems to have numerous benefits, such as lower complication rates with regard to pneumonia and postoperative delirium and shorter duration of both mechanical ventilation and intensive care unit (ICU) stays. Further studies have to evaluate if these benefits also influence morbidity and mortality rates.
Observational Study
Nitrous oxide occupational exposure in conscious sedation procedures in dental ambulatories: a pilot retrospective observational study in an Italian pediatric hospital.
Nitrous oxide has a proven clinical efficacy in conscious sedation. At certain environmental concentrations it may pose a health risk to chronically exposed healthcare workers. The present pilot study aims at evaluating the exposure to nitrous oxide of dental ambulatory personnel of a pediatric hospital. ⋯ The mean environmental concentration values recorded in our study are below the limit of 50 ppm considered as a reference point, a value lower than those reported in other similar surveys. The results of the present study provide a contribution to the need to implement technical standards, criteria and system requirements for the dental ambulatories, to date not yet completely defined, and cannot be assimilated to the ones established for the surgical rooms.
Observational Study
Postoperative delirium in critically ill surgical patients: incidence, risk factors, and predictive scores.
A common postoperative complication found among patients who are critically ill is delirium, which has a high mortality rate. A predictive model is needed to identify high-risk patients in order to apply strategies which will prevent and/or reduce adverse outcomes. ⋯ POD was experienced postoperatively by a quarter of the surgical patients who were critically ill. A risk score utilizing 6 variables was able to predict which patients would develop POD. The identification of high-risk patients following SICU admission can provide a basis for intervention strategies to improve outcomes.
Comparative Study Observational Study
Effect of ketofol versus propofol as an induction agent on ease of laryngeal mask airway insertion conditions and hemodynamic stability in pediatrics: an observational prospective cohort study.
Laryngeal mask airway is a supraglottic airway device which has led to a fundamental change in the management of modern general anesthesia. In the present study; we evaluated the laryngeal mask airway insertion conditions and hemodynamic changes comparing ketamine-propofol mixture (ketofol) with propofol. The study was to compare the ketamine-propofol mixture (ketofol) with propofolon the ease of laryngeal mask airway insertion conditions and hemodynamic effects for induction of general anesthesia. ⋯ Laryngeal mask airway insertion condition summed score was comparable in both ketofol and propofol group. Ketofol provided equivalent laryngeal mask airway insertion conditions while maximizing hemodynamics and minimizing apnea time. Ketofol can be used as an alternative to propofol for laryngeal mask airway insertion in pediatrics.
Hypoxia is a major concern and cause of morbidity or mortality during tracheal intubation after anesthesia induction in a pathological obese patient with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). We introduce a case using Supraglottic jet oxygenation and ventilation (SJOV) to promote oxygenation/ventilation during fiberoptic intubation in a paralyzed patient with morbid obesity and OSA. ⋯ SJOV via WNJ could effectively maintain adequate oxygenation/ventilation during long time fiberoptic intubation in an apnea patient with morbid obesity and OSA after partial failure of two hand pressured mask ventilation, without obvious complications. This may provide a new effective approach for difficult airway management in these patients.