BMJ open
This study aimed to examine the most important demographic and socioeconomic factors associated with diet quality, evaluated in terms of compliance with national dietary recommendations, selection of healthy and unhealthy food choices, energy density and food variety. We hypothesised that different demographic and socioeconomic factors may show disparate associations with diet quality. ⋯ Multiple demographic and socioeconomic circumstances were associated with different diet quality indicators. Efforts to improve diet quality for high-risk groups need an important public health focus.
Observational Study
Biomarkers of necrotising soft tissue infections: aspects of the innate immune response and effects of hyperbaric oxygenation-the protocol of the prospective cohort BIONEC study.
The mortality and amputation rates are still high in patients with necrotising soft tissue infections (NSTIs). It would be ideal to have a set of biomarkers that enables the clinician to identify high-risk patients with NSTI on admission. The objectives of this study are to evaluate inflammatory and vasoactive biomarkers as prognostic markers of severity and mortality in patients with NSTI and to investigate whether hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) is able to modulate these biomarkers. The overall hypothesis is that plasma biomarkers can be used as prognostic markers of severity and mortality in patients with NSTI and that HBOT reduces the inflammatory response. ⋯ The study has been approved by the Regional Scientific Ethical Committee of Copenhagen (H-2-2014-071) and the Danish Data Protection Agency (J. no. 30-0900 and J. no. 30-1282). Results will be presented at national and international conferences and published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Meta Analysis
Interventions for migraine prophylaxis: protocol of an umbrella systematic review and network meta-analysis.
Multiple interventions are effective for migraine prophylaxis. However, the comparative effectiveness of these interventions is still not clear. Therefore, the aim of this study is to summarise the direct and indirect evidence for pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions to prevent migraine attack. ⋯ The result of this network meta-analysis will provide direct and indirect evidence of treatments for migraine prophylaxis, and it may provide a ranking of the treatments for patients and clinicians to help them select the best option.
To study the association between lifestyle and biological risk markers measured at one occasion, morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer, and morbidity from diabetes approximately 26 years later. ⋯ Risk factors measured on one occasion seemed to be able to predict CVD, cancer and diabetes 26 years later.
Multicenter Study
Can variability in the effect of opioids on refractory breathlessness be explained by genetic factors?
Opioids modulate the perception of breathlessness with a considerable variation in response, with poor correlation between the required opioid dose and symptom severity. The objective of this hypothesis-generating, secondary analysis was to identify candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) from those associated with opioid receptors, signalling or pain modulation to identify any related to intensity of breathlessness while on opioids. This can help to inform prospective studies and potentially lead to better tailoring of opioid therapy for refractory breathlessness. ⋯ This large, exploratory study identified 1 biologically plausible SNP that warrants further study in the response of breathlessness to morphine therapy.