BMJ open
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the most common cause of death worldwide. Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has been shown to reduce mortality in patients with CHD. However, there are still recurrences of cardiovascular events after PCI. Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) in patients with established CHD is associated with reductions in cardiovascular mortality and hospital admissions, as well as improved quality of life. More and more clinical trials suggest that traditional Chinese exercise (TCE) plays a positive role in patients post-PCI. The primary purposes of the current study are to conduct a network meta-analysis of randomised trials to determine the effects of TCE in patients after PCI, and to separately compare the effects of tai chi, baduanjin and yijinjing on CR after PCI. ⋯ The results will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications. They will provide consolidated evidence to inform clinicians on the potential functions of TCE in CR, and to provide reliable evidence for the application of TCE.
The prevalence of neck pain is increasing rapidly with a high percentage of patients going on to experience recurrent or chronic symptoms. The resulting pain and disability are commonly managed using a variety of treatments including exercise. Resistance training exercise aimed at the neck and shoulders is advocated to treat chronic non-specific neck pain (CNSNP), however the dosage of prescribed exercise varies considerably between studies. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of resistance training in CNSNP and to determine an optimal dosage that should be prescribed in clinical practice. ⋯ CRD42018096187.
Comparative Study Observational Study
Can pulse check by the photoplethysmography sensor on a smart watch replace carotid artery palpation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in cardiac arrest patients? a prospective observational diagnostic accuracy study.
The purpose of this study was to assess whether a photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor in a smart watch can accurately recognise the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) in cardiac arrest patients compared with carotid artery palpation. ⋯ Compared with manual pulse check, the PPG sensor embedded in the smart watch showed the same sensitivity and a higher specificity for recognising ROSC when measured at the wrist.
Catheter-related sepsis is one of the most dangerous complications of neonatal intensive care and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Use of catheter-care 'bundles' has reduced the incidence of catheter-related sepsis, although individual components have not been well studied. Better evidence is needed to guide selection of the most appropriate antiseptic solution for skin disinfection in preterm neonates. This study will inform the feasibility and design of the first randomised controlled trial to examine the safety and efficacy of alcohol-based versus aqueous-based chlorhexidine antiseptic formulations for skin disinfection prior to percutaneous central venous catheterisation in preterm neonates. The antiseptics to be compared are 2% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) aqueous and 2% CHG in 70% isopropyl alcohol. ⋯ ARCTIC has been approved by the National Health Service Health Research Authority National Research Ethics Service Committee East of England (Cambridge South) (IRAS ID 163868), was adopted onto the National Institute of Health Research Clinical Research Network portfolio (CPMS ID 19899) and is registered with an International Standard Randomised Control Trials Number (ISRCTN: 82571474; Pre-results) and European Clinical Trials Database number 2015-000874-36. Dissemination plans include presentations at scientific conferences, scientific publications and sharing of the findings with parents via the support of Bliss baby charity.
Despite guideline recommendations advocating conservative management before invasive treatment in intermittent claudication, early revascularisation remains widespread in patients with favourable anatomy. The aim of the Effect of Disease Level on Outcomes of Supervised Exercise in Intermittent Claudication Registry is to determine the effect of the location of stenosis on the outcomes of supervised exercise in patients with intermittent claudication due to peripheral arterial disease. ⋯ This study has been exempted from formal medical ethical approval by the Medical Research Ethics Committees United 'MEC-U' (W17.071). Results are intended for publication in peer-reviewed journals and for presentation to stakeholders nationally and internationally.