BMJ open
Observational Study
Editors' and authors' individual conflicts of interest disclosure and journal transparency. A cross-sectional study of high-impact medical specialty journals.
To assess the fulfilment of authors' and editors' individual disclosure of potential conflicts of interest in a group of highly influential medicine journals across a variety of specialties. ⋯ Very few high-impact medical journals disclosed their editorial teams' individual potential CoIs-conversely, almost all required disclosure of authors' individual CoIs. Journal followers of the ICMJE Recommendations should regularly disclose the editors' individual CoIs, as this is the only legitimate way to ask the same transparency of authors.
To evaluate a county-wide deincentivisation of the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) payment scheme for UK General Practice (GP). ⋯ The SPQS scheme leveraged time savings and reduced administrative burden via discretionary removal of QOF incentives, enabling practices to engage actively in a number of schemes aimed at improving care for people with LTCs. We found no differences in the experiences of patients or healthcare professionals between SPQS and control practices.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Multicentre cross-sectional observational registry to monitor the safety of early discharge after rule-out of acute myocardial infarction by copeptin and troponin: the Pro-Core registry.
There is sparse information on the safety of early primary discharge from the emergency department (ED) after rule-out of myocardial infarction in suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS). This prospective registry aimed to confirm randomised study results in patients at low-to-intermediate risk, with a broader spectrum of symptoms, across different institutional standards and with a range of local troponin assays including high-sensitivity cTn (hs-cTn), cardiac troponin (cTn) and point-of-care troponin (POC Tn). ⋯ Copeptin on top of cardiac troponin supports safe discharge in patients with chest pain or other symptoms suggestive of ACS under routine conditions with the use of a broad spectrum of local standard POC, conventional and high-sensitivity troponin assays.
Linkage and retention in HIV medical care remains problematic in the USA. Extensive health utilisation data collection through electronic health records (EHR) and claims data represent new opportunities for scientific discovery. Big data science (BDS) is a powerful tool for investigating HIV care utilisation patterns. The South Carolina (SC) office of Revenue and Fiscal Affairs (RFA) data warehouse captures individual-level longitudinal health utilisation data for persons living with HIV (PLWH). The data warehouse includes EHR, claims and data from private institutions, housing, prisons, mental health, Medicare, Medicaid, State Health Plan and the department of health and human services. The purpose of this study is to describe the process for creating a comprehensive database of all SC PLWH, and plans for using BDS to explore, identify, characterise and explain new predictors of missed opportunities for HIV medical care utilisation. ⋯ The study team applied for data from different sources and submitted individual Institutional Review Board (IRB) applications to the University of South Carolina (USC) IRB and other local authorities/agencies/state departments. This study was approved by the USC IRB (#Pro00068124) in 2017. To protect the identity of the persons living with HIV (PLWH), researchers will only receive linked deidentified data from the RFA. Study findings will be disseminated at local community forums, community advisory group meetings, meetings with our state agencies, local partners and other key stakeholders (including PLWH, policy-makers and healthcare providers), presentations at academic conferences and through publication in peer-reviewed articles. Data security and patient confidentiality are the bedrock of this study. Extensive data agreements ensuring data security and patient confidentiality for the deidentified linked data have been established and are stringently adhered to. The RFA is authorised to collect and merge data from these different sources and to ensure the privacy of all PLWH. The legislatively mandated SC data oversight council reviewed the proposed process stringently before approving it. Researchers will get only the encrypted deidentified dataset to prevent any breach of privacy in the data transfer, management and analysis processes. In addition, established secure data governance rules, data encryption and encrypted predictive techniques will be deployed. In addition to the data anonymisation as a part of privacy-preserving analytics, encryption schemes that protect running prediction algorithms on encrypted data will also be deployed. Best practices and lessons learnt about the complex processes involved in negotiating and navigating multiple data sharing agreements between different entities are being documented for dissemination.
To characterise the sex-specific difference in the association between anthropometric changes and risk of diabetes in the general population in Canada. ⋯ The positive association between anthropometric changes and risk of diabetes was generally stronger in men than in women. However, this sex-specific difference of approximately 10% of the total risk associated with anthropometric changes had limited significance. For population-based public health programmes aiming to control obesity and incidence of diabetes, it may not be necessary to set up sex-specific goals for anthropometric reduction.