BMJ open
To mitigate the burden of COVID-19 on the healthcare system, information on the prognosis of the disease is needed. The recently developed Risk Stratification in the Emergency Department in Acutely ill Older Patients (RISE UP) score has very good discriminatory value for short-term mortality in older patients in the emergency department (ED). It consists of six readily available items. We hypothesised that the RISE UP score could have discriminatory value for 30-day mortality in ED patients with COVID-19. ⋯ The RISE UP score is an accurate prognostic model for adverse outcome in ED patients with COVID-19. It can be used to identify patients at risk of short-term adverse outcome and may help guide decision-making and allocating healthcare resources.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Postoperative analgesic effects of the quadratus lumborum block III and transversalis fascia plane block in paediatric patients with developmental dysplasia of the hip undergoing open reduction surgeries: a double-blinded randomised controlled trial.
To evaluate the analgesic effectiveness of two novel regional nerve blocks in paediatric patients with developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) after open reduction surgeries. ⋯ We suggested that both ultrasound-guided QLB III and TFPB should be considered as an option for perioperative analgesia in children with DDH undergoing open reduction surgeries. TFPB was superior to the QLB III because it prolonged the first-time request for NCA/PCA analgesia and decreased the total counts number of pressing.
Patients with breast cancer often experience severe psychological distress, especially anxiety and depression, leading to poorer quality of life, shortened survival time and increased mortality.The objective of the review will be to summarise data on the prevalence and risk factors of anxiety and depression in patients with breast cancer. ⋯ DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/D6A4P.
Persistent non-cancer pain affects one in five adults and is more common in Māori-the Indigenous population of New Zealand (NZ), adults over 65 years, and people living in areas of high deprivation. Despite the evidence supporting multidisciplinary pain management programmes (PMPs), access to PMPs is poor due to long waiting lists. Although online-delivered PMPs enhance access, none have been codesigned with patients or compared with group-based, in-person PMPs. This non-inferiority trial aims to evaluate the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a cocreated, culturally appropriate, online-delivered PMP (iSelf-help) compared with in-person PMP in reducing pain-related disability. ⋯ The Health and Disability Ethics Committee approved the study protocol (HDEC18/CEN/162). Phase III involves dissemination of findings guided by the PAR team as outcomes become apparent.
We aimed to identify the country-level determinants of the severity of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. ⋯ International travel was directly associated with the mortality slope and thus potentially the spread of COVID-19. Very early restrictions on international travel should be considered to control COVID-19 outbreaks and prevent related deaths.