Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987)
Current government policy is encouraging the independent sector to join in what has traditionally been public sector care services. Next week, the RCN is holding a conference to examine the issues.
Although moving and handling is an important aspect of nurse training, the emphasis is often more on the health and safety of the nurse than on the importance of the correct therapeutic positioning of patients. This article outlines optimum patient positioning in different critical care settings and for different medical conditions.
Peritoneal dialysis has much to offer patients with chronic renal failure who wish to manage their care and live relatively independent lives. The authors discuss different peritoneal dialysis treatments, patient selection, benefits and the management of potential complications.
With more an more GPs opting not provide out-of-hours services, nurses are stepping into the breach to meet patients' needs. Telephone triage and emergency care centres are just two examples of the new service provision.