Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova
Vestn. Khir. Im. I. I. Grek. · Jul 1988
[Surgical treatment of aneurysm of the ascending aorta in Marfan syndrome].
An experience with 26 operations for aneurysms of the ascending aorta with a concomitant insufficiency of the aorta valve in Marfan syndrome is described. We started using operations after Bentall-De Bono in 1979 and operations after Cabrol in 1983 which were used in cases with low localization of openings of the coronary arteries in relation to the fibrous ring of the aorta valve, as well as in cases with the dissecting aorta wall, especially involving the area of the openings. These operations allowed the intrahospital lethality to be reduced: in the period of 1979-86 it made up 30% (6 patients died out of 20), in 1983-86 it was 15.4%, in 1986 it was 12.5%.
Vestn. Khir. Im. I. I. Grek. · May 1988
[Accelerated plastic surgery using inguinal flap on temporary feeding pedicle].
The method of accelerated plasty with an inguinal flap was used for treatment of 13 patients with electric burns and frostbites of the IV degree. The 2nd step of the non-free skin plasty was performed 5 days (120 hours) after the first operation which was possible following a special training--a periodical, with increasing duration of the compression of the flap feeding pedicle which was started next day after the first step of the plasty.
Vestn. Khir. Im. I. I. Grek. · Mar 1988
Comparative Study[Estimation of blood loss in mechanical injuries].
The examination of 2033 patients with severe mechanical injuries has shown that in most patients with traumas of the head, chest and upper extremities of the same localization (isolated or multiple) the volume of blood loss was not more than 20% of the circulating blood volume. Isolated and multiple injuries of the abdomen, pelvis, spine and lower extremities in 28-54% of the patients were followed by blood loss more than 20% of the circulating blood volume. Associated traumas in most cases were followed by massive blood loss (more than 40% of the CBV).