Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova
The authors studied materials of 17 complications due to transfusion of erythrocytes incompatible by AB0 phenotype, developed during 25 years in clinics of the Stavropol krai. All complications were associated with concrete defects in the work of blood service: wrong organization of blood service management in the clinic, poor special training of the personnel, low technological equipment of blood service, errors in laboratory investigations, laboratory investigations made not by specialists of laboratory diagnostics. In 40% of cases of posttransfusion complications transfusion was not indicated.
Vestn. Khir. Im. I. I. Grek. · Jan 2010
Biography Historical Article[Nikolaĭ Ivanovich Pirogov--national pride of Russia].
Vestn. Khir. Im. I. I. Grek. · Jan 2009
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study[Evaluation of the efficiency of balanced and unbalanced crystalloid solutions used in the program of infusion therapy in patients with blood loss].
The authors present a comparative assessment of the efficiency of balanced and unbalanced crystalloid solutions used in the program of infusion therapy in patients with blood loss. It was found that infusion therapy with unbalanced crystalloid solution facilitated the appearance of electrolytic changes and decrease of pH of venous blood while infusion therapy with balanced crystalloid solution did not cause negative changes of the water-electrolytic and acid-base balance.
Vestn. Khir. Im. I. I. Grek. · Jan 2009
Comparative Study[Comparative assessment of inhalation anesthesia with sevofluran and intravenous anesthesia with propofol for carotid endarterectomy].
Total intravenous anesthesia with propofol and inhalation sevofluran was assessed in 130 patients with carotid endarterectomy. The parameters of brain blood circulation, brain damage markers were studied. It was shown that sevofluran anesthesia caused less depression of the hemodynamic parameters, supported more optimum level of brain blood flow that limited ischemic and reperfusion damage of the brain and was accompanied by a fewer number of postoperative complications.