Modern healthcare
With the election settled, the Obama administration has forged ahead with a draft rule on essential benefits and other provisions under the Affordable Care Act. Key players are still digesting the proposals, but HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, left, says she's confident that the new rules-and an extended deadline related to exchanges-will give states what they need to implement the law.
A hospital in Michigan has found itself at the epicenter of a spiraling fungal meningitis outbreak that has turned the facility into a learning laboratory and tested its emergency preparedness. "Disasters usually have a defined time period, and we quickly realized we were going from a sprint to marathon," says Rob Casalou, CEO of St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor.
The re-election of President Barack Obama to a second term and the preservation of a Democratic majority in the Senate removed doubts about the survival of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as the law of the land.