Nursing older people
RCN WALES is urging the public to sign an e-petition supporting draft legislation on safe staffing. The petition calls for support for the Safe Nursing Staffing Levels (Wales) Bill, drawn up by Welsh Liberal Democrat leader Kirsty Williams.
I agree with the need to provide dementia awareness training for healthcare professionals (Nursing Older People. 25, 8, 5). According to the World Health Organization, more than 35 million people worldwide have dementia, and with the ageing of the global population, this number will grow to more than 100 million by 2050.
Cutting emergency department admission rates has been a health service priority. The NHS 111 free telephone-based service was created for people who require urgent care or advice for conditions that are not life threatening. ⋯ However, some policy experts argue that opportunities to divert large numbers of patients who call community nursing teams are being missed. Two senior nurses in London community services with higher referral rates explain how they achieve these by using integrated pathways.