Journal of special operations medicine : a peer reviewed journal for SOF medical professionals
Tourniquets have become ubiquitous tools for controlling hemorrhage in the modern prehospital environment, and while commercial products are preferable, improvised tourniquets play an important role when commercial options are not available. A properly constructed improvised tourniquet can be highly effective provided the user adheres to certain principles. This review article identifies key skills in the construction and application of improvised tourniquets on an extremity. ⋯ After torque is applied, the rod must be secured into position to maintain the constricting force and survive patient transport. Finally, the need for an improvised tourniquet is a contingency that all first responders should anticipate. Hands-on training should be conducted routinely in conjunction with other first responder tasks.
Randomized Controlled Trial
A Comparison of the Laryngeal Handshake Method Versus the Traditional Index Finger Palpation Method in Identifying the Cricothyroid Membrane, When Performed by Combat Medic Trainees.
The laryngeal handshake method (LHM) may be a reliable standardized method to quickly and accurately identify the cricothyroid membrane (CTM) when performing an emergency surgical airway (ESA). However, there is currently minimal available literature evaluating the method. Furthermore, no previous CTM localization studies have focused on success rates of military prehospital providers. This study was conducted with the goal of answering the question: Which method is superior, the LHM or the traditional method (TM), for identifying anatomical landmarks in a timely manner when performed by US Army combat medic trainees? ⋯ Findings of this study support that at present the TM is a superior method for successful localization of the CTM when performed by Army combat medic trainees.
Uncontrolled hemorrhage is the leading cause of preventable prehospital death on the battlefield; 20% is junctional. This is a challenge to manage in the forward and prehospital military environment. With the widespread use of body armor, peripheral tourniquets and continued asymmetric warfare this consistent figure is unlikely to reduce. ⋯ Importantly it has a low training burden and is easy to use. The AAJT has potential use as a prehospital device in the exsanguinating patient, those in traumatic cardiac arrest, as a bridging device, and as fluid conserving device in resource-limited environments. The evidence surrounding the AAJT is reviewed, and potential uses in the military setting are suggested.
Comparative Study
A Comparison of Prehospital Versus Emergency Department Intubations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Airway obstruction is the second most common cause of potentially preventable death on the battlefield. We compared survival in the combat setting among patients undergoing prehospital versus emergency department (ED) intubation. ⋯ Patients intubated in the prehospital setting had a lower survival than those intubated in the ED. This finding persisted after controlling for measurable confounders.
The 2012 study Death on the battlefield (2001-2011) by Eastridge et al.1 demonstrated that 7.5% of the prehospital deaths caused by potentially survivable injuries were due to external hemorrhage from the cervical region. The increasing use of Tactical Combat-Casualty Care (TCCC) and other medical interventions have dramatically reduced the overall rate of combat-related mortality in US forces; however, uncontrolled hemorrhage remains the number one cause of potentially survivable combat trauma. Additionally, the use of personal protective equipment and adaptations in the weapons used against US forces has caused changes in the wound distribution patterns seen in combat trauma. ⋯ The iTClamp reapproximates wound edges with four pairs of opposing needles. This mechanism of action has demonstrated safe application for both the patient and the provider, causes minimal pain, and does not result in tissue necrosis, even if the device is left in place for extended periods. The Committee on TCCC recommends the use of the iTClamp as a primary treatment modality, along with a CoTCCC-recommended hemostatic dressing and direct manual pressure (DMP), for hemorrhage control in craniomaxillofacial injuries and penetrating neck injuries with external hemorrhage.