TheScientificWorldJournal · Jan 2014
A novel wide-area backup protection based on fault component current distribution and improved evidence theory.
In order to solve the problems of the existing wide-area backup protection (WABP) algorithms, the paper proposes a novel WABP algorithm based on the distribution characteristics of fault component current and improved Dempster/Shafer (D-S) evidence theory. When a fault occurs, slave substations transmit to master station the amplitudes of fault component currents of transmission lines which are the closest to fault element. ⋯ The simulation examples based on IEEE 10-generator-39-bus system show that the proposed WABP algorithm has an excellent performance. The algorithm has low requirement of sampling synchronization, small wide-area communication flow, and high fault tolerance.
TheScientificWorldJournal · Jan 2014
Evaluating the role of content in subjective video quality assessment.
Video quality as perceived by human observers is the ground truth when Video Quality Assessment (VQA) is in question. It is dependent on many variables, one of them being the content of the video that is being evaluated. ⋯ In this paper, we aim to identify and analyze differences between human cognitive, affective, and conative responses to a set of videos commonly used for VQA and a set of videos specifically chosen to include video content which might affect the judgment of evaluators when perceived video quality is in question. Our findings indicate that considerable differences exist between the two sets on selected factors, which leads us to conclude that videos starring a different type of content than the currently employed ones might be more appropriate for VQA.
TheScientificWorldJournal · Jan 2014
Output feedback fractional-order nonsingular terminal sliding mode control of underwater remotely operated vehicles.
For the 4-DOF (degrees of freedom) trajectory tracking control problem of underwater remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) in the presence of model uncertainties and external disturbances, a novel output feedback fractional-order nonsingular terminal sliding mode control (FO-NTSMC) technique is introduced in light of the equivalent output injection sliding mode observer (SMO) and TSMC principle and fractional calculus technology. The equivalent output injection SMO is applied to reconstruct the full states in finite time. ⋯ Comparative numerical simulation results are presented and analyzed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Finally, it is noteworthy that the proposed output feedback FO-NTSMC technique can be used to control a broad range of nonlinear second-order dynamical systems in finite time.
TheScientificWorldJournal · Jan 2014
Prevalence and correlates of video and internet gaming addiction among Hong Kong adolescents: a pilot study.
This pilot study investigated the patterns of video and internet gaming habits and the prevalence and correlates of gaming addiction in Hong Kong adolescents. A total of 503 students were recruited from two secondary schools. Addictive behaviors of video and internet gaming were assessed using the Game Addiction Scale. ⋯ The risk for gaming addiction was significantly higher among boys, those with poor academic performance, and those who preferred multiplayer online games. Gaming addiction was significantly associated with the average time spent gaming per week, frequency of spending money on gaming, period of spending money on gaming, perceived family disharmony, and having more close friends. These results suggest that effective educational and preventative programs or strategies are needed.
TheScientificWorldJournal · Jan 2014
Combining first-person video and gaze-tracking in medical simulation: a technical feasibility study.
Crisis decision-making is an important responsibility of the resuscitation team leader but a difficult process to study. The purpose of this pilot study was to explore the potential of gaze-tracking technology to study decision-making and leadership behaviours in simulated medical emergencies. We studied five physicians with a broad range of experience in a simulated medical emergency using gaze-tracking glasses. ⋯ Analysis of the data also identified a number of recurrent gaze patterns performed by team leaders that could be used as end-points in future research. Gaze-tracking in resuscitation medicine is a new and promising field of study. The potential to study crisis decision-making behaviours, and cognitive load, as well as differences between novice and expert team leaders is substantial.