Handbook of experimental pharmacology
Handb Exp Pharmacol · Jan 2009
ReviewClinical cough II: therapeutic treatments and management of chronic cough.
Chronic cough is a common and frequently disruptive symptom which can be difficult to treat with currently available medicines. Asthma/eosinophilic airway disease and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease are most commonly associated with chronic cough but it may also trouble patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary fibrosis and lung cancer. Over the last three decades there have been a number of key advances in the clinical approach to cough and a number of international guidelines on the management of cough have been developed. ⋯ The main objective of new treatments for cough would be to identify ways to downregulate this heightened cough reflex but yet preserve its crucial role in protecting the airway. The combined efforts of clinicians, scientists and the pharmaceutical industry offer most hope for such a treatment breakthrough. The aim of this chapter is to provide some rationale for the current treatment recommendations and to offer some reflections on the management of patients with chronic cough.
Handb Exp Pharmacol · Jan 2009
ReviewCough sensors. I. Physiological and pharmacological properties of the afferent nerves regulating cough.
The afferent nerves regulating cough have been reasonably well defined. The selective effects of general anesthesia on C-fiber-dependent cough and the opposing effects of C-fiber subtypes in cough have led to some uncertainty about their regulation of this defensive reflex. But a role for C-fibers in cough seems almost certain, given the unique pharmacological properties of these unmyelinated vagal afferent nerves and the ability of many C-fiber-selective stimulants to evoke cough. ⋯ These "cough receptors" are distinct from the slowly and rapidly adapting intrapulmonary stretch receptors responding to lung inflation. Indeed, intrapulmonary rapidly and slowly adapting receptors and pulmonary C-fibers may play no role or a nonessential role in cough, or might even actively inhibit cough upon activation. A critical review of the studies of the afferent nerve subtypes most often implicated in cough is provided.
Handb Exp Pharmacol · Jan 2009
Clinical cough IV:what is the minimal important difference for the Leicester Cough Questionnaire?
The Leicester Cough Questionnaire (LCQ) is a valid, reproducible, responsive self-reported cough-specific health status measure. It has been used to assess overall efficacy of treatments for cough, but its threshold for clinical significance, or patient importance, is unknown. The aim of this study was to determine the minimal important difference (MID) of the LCQ for patients with chronic cough; this is the smallest change in quality-of-life score considered to be clinically meaningful. ⋯ We have demonstrated that the LCQ MID is 1.3. The LCQ MID should aid clinicians and researchers to make meaningful interpretations of health-related quality-of-life data relating to chronic cough.
Simple, rapid and inexpensive rodent models of nicotine physical dependence and withdrawal syndrome have proved useful for preliminary screening of smoking cessation treatments. They have led to an exponential increase of knowledge regarding the underlying neurobiological mechanisms of dependence and withdrawal syndrome. The human nicotine withdrawal syndrome in smoking cessation is variable and multidimensional, involving irritability, anxiety, depression, cognitive and attentional impairments, weight gain, sleep disturbances, and craving for nicotine. ⋯ For example, depression-like phenomena may involve alterations in mechanisms such as the mesolimbic dopamine pathway from the ventral tegmental area to the nucleus accumbens. Irritability and anxiety may involve alterations in endogenous opioid systems and other regions, such as the amygdala. This chapter reviews many additional anatomical, neurochemical, and developmental elements that impact nicotine physical dependence.