Emergency medical services
The excellent safety profile of ketamine has made it the drug of choice for both pediatric sedation and much veterinary medicine. Fortunately, this safety record also means that few patients who deliberately overdose during recreational use will have substantial morbidity or mortality. Most morbidity and mortality will occur from accidents during the induced dysphoric state. Since vomiting occurs with high doses, aspiration is a distinct possibility in the deeply comatose patient.
There are many alternative airway devices available on today's market. The type of device that your department uses will depend on your medical control, as well as local protocols and regulations. These devices all require practice, refresher training and on-going skill maintenance. Endotracheal intubation remains the gold standard for airway control; however, proper usage of an alternative airway device can allow patients to be ventilated and oxygenated, even if they cannot be immediately intubated.