Die Rehabilitation
The "Quality Community Medical Rehabilitation" (QGmR) is a voluntary association of several rehabilitation clinics in Schleswig-Holstein. The QGmR is closely oriented along the quality assurance programme of the national pension insurance scheme. As local initiative its emphasis lies in patient outcomes. ⋯ Some of the results varied according to diagnostic group and clinic. The results of a comparison between the clinics showed some differences to the effect that some clinics were better than others, but these differences were not very large although statistically significant in a few cases. Nevertheless the "best" can be determined, which could motivate the clinics to participate in regular quality assurance working groups.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study
[Comparison of three outpatient therapy forms for treatment of chronic low back pain-- findings of a multicentre, cluster randomized study].
The AOK Baden-Württemberg health insurance fund initiated a study on the outpatient rehabilitation of patients with chronic low back pain, aimed at improving the treatment concept for its insurees with chronic low back pain (START). This model project was scientifically guided by the Hochrhein-Institute in Bad Säckingen. The paper compares the effectiveness of Enhanced Outpatient Physiotherapy (Erweiterte Ambulante Physiotherapie, EAP), Outpatient Rehabilitation (Ambulante Rehabilitation, AR) and Medical Training Therapy (Medizinische Trainingstherapie, MTT) in patients with low back pain. ⋯ MTT might represent a meaningful therapy element also in new forms of provision such as integrated services. Patients showing severe psychosocial strain should be assigned to an interdisciplinary therapy as it is provided by inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation facilities. For effective differential assignment to the various programmes, realization of a standardized rehab assessment is an important precondition.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
[Effects of a programme for structured outpatient follow-up care after inpatient rehabilitation of obese children and adolescents--a multicentre, randomized study].
Inpatient rehabilitation is an important contributor to the treatment of child and adolescent obesity with comorbidity in Germany. Thus far outpatient follow-up care has not been subject to research. The main goal of this study is the development and longer-term evaluation of a programme for structured outpatient follow-up care by primary care physicians after inpatient rehabilitation of obese children and adolescents. ⋯ This low-level outpatient intervention did not improve the demonstrated longer-term effectiveness of inpatient rehabilitation. An interdisciplinary outpatient follow-up care in groups with inclusion of the parents is recommended.