Revue médicale suisse
Rhino-sinusitis is one of the most complaint in ambulatory clinic sitting and nasal obstruction. This diagnosis is however difficult and general practitioners might overdiagnose acute bacterial sinusitis. ⋯ Acute sinusitis is very often a self-limiting disease. Antibiotics should be prescribed only after one week of symptoms' duration and in case of the presence of two additional criteria: pain and purulent nasal discharge with nasal obstruction.
Hazards due to active smoking are known for a long time. On the other hand, the importance of the harmful effects of passive smoking are less recognized, having been shown initially mainly in the pediatric population. However, the importance of significant increased risks on various respiratory pathologies of the adult are well known today, in a Swiss society where the number of active smokers remains high, leading to a high prevalence of passive smoking exposure On the basis of recent publications and updates of various organizations, we propose a review of the history, noxious mechanisms and effects on various respiratory pathologies of the exposure to passive smoke in adults.
Revue médicale suisse · Nov 2008
Historical Article[From the mad cow to the scrapie of the European sheep].