Studies in health technology and informatics
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2014
A Personal Health Record System for Diabetes Care Conforming to the ISO 16527 Interoperability Requirements.
A Personal Health Record (PHR) is a health information repository controlled and managed directly by a patient or his/her custodian, or a person interested in his/her own health. PHR System's adoption and compliance with international standards is foremost important because it can help to meet international, national, regional or institutional interoperability and portability policies. ⋯ Interoperability functions were added to this platform by integrating the Mirth Connect platform. The assessment of the platform's interoperability capabilities was carried out by a group of experts, who verified the interoperability requirements proposed in the ISO 16527 standard.
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2014
Conceptual Model Formalization in a Semantic Interoperability Service Framework: Transforming Relational Database Schemas to OWL.
Healthcare information is distributed through multiple heterogeneous and autonomous systems. Access to, and sharing of, distributed information sources are a challenging task. ⋯ The proposed service makes use of an algorithm that allows to transform several data models of different domains by deploying mainly inheritance rules. The paper emphasizes the relevance of integrating the proposed approach into an ontology-based interoperability service to achieve semantic interoperability.
The current volume presents the papers of the ICIMTH (International Conference on Informatics, Management, and Technology in Healthcare). The Organising Committee and the Scientific Programme Committee would like to present to the academic community the scientific outcomes of the ICIMTH 2014 Conference, which is being held from 10 to 13 July, 2014 in Athens, Greece. The ICIMTH 2014 Conference is the 12th Annual Conference in this series of scientific events, gathering scientists from all continents as well as from the hosting country in the field of Biomedical and Health Informatics. ⋯ The Organising Committee working along with the Scientific Programme Committee is dedicated to organise a successful scientific event and will arrange also to have an excellent stay for you and your fellows in Athens. Athens, 15 06 2014 The Editors John Mantas, Mowafa S. Househ, Arie Hasman.
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2014
Comparative StudyPolicy Management Standards Enabling Trustworthy pHealth.
Current paradigm changes for improving safety, quality and efficiency of care processes under massive deployment of information and communication technologies (ICT) place high requirements on privacy and security. These mainly focus on privilege management and access control harmonized in international standards and their further evolution. ⋯ The successfully balloted HL7 labeling specification supports context-sensitive communication and cooperation between different stakeholders and processes with different purposes of use, based on meta-data of information, actors and processes involved. Basics of policy management and practical solutions are discussed.
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2014
Improving emergency medical dispatching with emphasis on mass-casualty incidents.
Dispatching ambulances is a demanding and stressful task for dispatchers. This is especially true in case of mass-casualty incidents. Therefore, the aim of this work was to investigate if and to what extent the dispatch operation of the Red Cross Salzburg can be optimized on such occasions with a computerized system. ⋯ Consequently, the problem is solved by using the Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search. Evaluation results indicate that the system outperforms a human dispatcher by between 2.5% and 36% within 1 minute of runtime concerning total costs. Moreover, the system's response time in case that a plan has to be updated is less than 1 minute on average.