Studies in health technology and informatics
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2009
Videolaryngoscopy for intubation skills training of novice military airway managers.
An estimated 10% of preventable battlefield deaths are due to Airway obstruction. Improved airway rescue strategies are needed with new tools for airway management by less experienced providers. Airway management and training are improved using video laryngoscopy (VL) compared to direct laryngoscopy (DL). ⋯ Mean Cormack-Lehane airway visualization grades (range 1-4) were higher with VL (1.95 +/- 0.97) vs. DL (1.02 +/- 0.15) {Students t-test p < 0.0001}. VL (69.7%) was preferred to DL (18.6%); no preference was indicated by 11.6%.
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2009
Interoperable electronic patient records for health care improvement.
Pressing needs of cost-effectiveness in healthcare and opportunities of emerging electronic health record technologies offer unprecedented chance for progress. Ongoing health care improvement and patient safety initiatives demand new information collection and communication technologies (e.g., Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, Joint Commission, National Patient Safety Foundation, public health surveillance). Particularly, desire for faster action and cost-effective health care drive unprecedented investments in electronic patient records worldwide. ⋯ Regional health information networks and other information sharing initiatives depend on the interoperability of systems. Ultimately, the recent flood of health information standards needs to be balanced with actual interoperability opportunities. It is anticipated that the current policy discussions on the "meaningful use" of electronic health records will have major beneficial technical and also reimbursement implications.
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2008
The posterior skeletal thorax: rib-vertebral angle and axial vertebral rotation asymmetries in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.
The deformity of the ribcage in thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is viewed by most as being secondary to the spinal deformity, though a few consider it primary or involved in curve aggravation. Those who consider it primary ascribe pathogenetic significance to rib-vertebra angle asymmetry. In thoracic AIS, supra-apical rib-vertebra angle differences (RVADs) are reported to be associated with the severity of the Cobb angle. ⋯ RVADs are largest at two and three vertebral levels above the apex where they correlate significantly and positively with Cobb angle and AVT but not AVR. In right thoracic AIS, the cause(s) of the RVA asymmetries is unknown: it may result from trunk muscle imbalance, or from ribs adjusting passively within the constraint of the fourth column of the spine to increasing spinal curvature from whatever cause. Several possible mechanisms may drive axial vertebral rotation including, biplanar spinal asymmetry, relative anterior spinal overgrowth, dorsal shear forces in the presence of normal vertebral axial rotation, asymmetry of rib linear growth, trunk muscle imbalance causing rib-vertebra angle asymmetry weakening the spinal rotation-defending system of bipedal gait, and CNS mechanisms.
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2008
Comparative StudyDirect versus indirect laryngoscopic visualization in human endotracheal intubation: a tool for virtual anesthesia practice and teleanesthesiology.
When performing the ABC's of care for the trauma patient, airway management is of paramount importance. Management of the airway is often difficult because medical personnel caring for the patient do not commonly intubate patients or manage airways. To accomplish endotracheal intubation, a direct line of sight must be accomplished through the mouth, pharynx and larynx to the glottic opening. ⋯ Indirect "virtual" laryngoscopy is an advanced technology method which will advance the development of teleanesthesiology practice. Videolaryngoscopy is an enabling technology for development of remote telementoring of trainee intubation skills curricula using video enabled distributed learning systems. This research was conducted following an approved University of Nebraska Medical Center institutional review board protocol.
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2008
ReviewDiversity in preoperative-assessment data collection, a literature review.
The appropriate anesthetic techniques and care during and after operation rely on data gathered during the preoperative assessment. Because various people are involved, standardization of this process is important. This paper provides a systematic literature review about which data items are collected in the preoperative assessment. ⋯ Our study showed a high diversity of data items in the preoperative assessment. Because of the diversity of patients and treatment options available one undisputed preoperative assessment data set is hard to define. However, to solve the problem of exchangeability of the information at least anesthesiologists should use a same core set of data.