Studies in health technology and informatics
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2008
Using ESB and BPEL for evolving healthcare systems towards SOA.
Healthcare organizations often face the challenge of integrating diverse and geographically disparate information technology systems to respond to changing requirements and to exploit the capabilities of modern technologies. Hence, systems evolution, through modification and extension of the existing information technology infrastructure, becomes a necessity. This paper takes a process perspective of healthcare delivery within and across organizational boundaries and the presents a disciplined approach for evolving healthcare systems towards a service-oriented architecture using the enterprise system bus middleware technology for resolving integration issues and the business process execution language for supporting collaboration requirements.
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2008
Telemedicine for home health and the new patient: when do we really need to go to the hospital?
This chapter will review the current state-of-the-art of home health services in the telemedicine environment. Two aspects in particular will be discussed that reflect where most of the efforts in home telehealth care are being directed. ⋯ In this application, the users may be patients with chronic conditions such as asthma or diabetes that require regular monitoring to achieve or maintain healthy functioning, but they are typically not in an acute phase. More and more often, however, the users of distance monitoring technologies are relatively healthy people looking to enhance their health awareness and healthy status by monitoring various vital signs to alert them of any potential changes in their health status that would require actual medical attention.
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2008
An artificial neural network derived trauma outcome prediction score as an aid to triage for non-clinicians.
In mass casualty events Emergency Medical Service Providers (EMS) choose treatment at Scene or a "scoop and run" approach. The latter requires clinically trained personnel at the reception site to triage patients. Current methodology based on Revised Trauma Score (tRTS) requires use of Glasgow Coma Scale, a method reliant on experience and clinical knowledge. ⋯ Models performed well in predicting mortality compared to standard outcome predictors. Possible additional variables such as gender or ethnicity might improve the Neural Network predictive ability. Pulse appears an essential variable not recorded by the NTDB.
It is well known that in most countries, there is a perennial shortage of specialists in neurosciences. Even the few available neurologists and neurosurgeons are clustered in the metros and urban areas. ⋯ At the same time there has been an unprecedented growth in ICT (Information and Communication Technology). In this article, the authors review the increasing use of telemedicine in neurosciences.
Telemedicine for trauma and emergency management is emerging as new frontier and is evolving as an integral part trauma care of modern trauma practice. This chapter will review the current applications and future endeavors of telemedicine and telepresence to trauma and emergency care as the new frontiers of telemedicine application.