Studies in health technology and informatics
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2005
First clinical tests with the augmented reality system INPRES.
In this paper we present the results of the first patient experiment in craniofacial surgery of the INPRES system - an augmented reality system on the basis of a tracked see-through head-mounted display.
This chapter describes a software process improvement framework, structured to ensure regulatory compliance for the software developed in medical devices. Software is becoming an increasingly important aspect of medical devices and medical device regulation. Medical devices can only be marketed if compliance and approval from the appropriate regulatory bodies of the Food and Drug Administration (US requirement), and the European Commission under its Medical Device Directives (CE marking requirement) is achieved.
Cricothyroidotomy is an emergency procedure that is performed when the patient's airway is blocked, and less invasive attempts to clear it have failed. Cricothyroidotomy has been identified as an essential skill for military readiness. This training is relevant to more than 40,000 U. ⋯ Cadavers do not have the correct physiology. Mannequins do not adequately cover the full range of anatomical variations. In this paper, we describe our effort to build a computer-based cricothyroidotomy simulator to address these problems.
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2005
Integration of multiple ontologies in breast cancer pathology.
The diagnostic variability in pathology, widely reported in the literature, is partly due to the use of different classification systems by pathologists. The descriptions of morphological characteristics on the same image within different classification systems can be considered as different points of view of pathologists. Our aim is to represent the points of view of the experts in pathology during image interpretation and to propose a method ological and technical solution in order to implement interoperability between these points of view. ⋯ Our results show that the pathologists generally produce descriptions of the cases which do not follow rigorously the interpretation rules corresponding to the point of view they assert to adopt. While most of the concepts of local ontologies can be transcoded from a local ontology to another one (varying from 62.5 % to 100% according to the local ontology), the transcoding of a description which is valid according to a certain point of view, often results in a description which is not rigorously in accordance with the new point of view. These results underline the differences of interpretation rules existing in the different points of view.
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2004
Child Health Improvement through Computer Automation: the CHICA system.
Clinical guidelines are prevalent but frequently not used. Computer reminder systems can improve adherence to guidelines but have not been widely adopted. ⋯ The result is a system that both delivers "just in time" patient-relevant guidelines to physicians during the clinical encounter and accurately captures structured data from all who interact with the system. The system performs these tasks while remaining sensitive to the workflow constraints of a busy outpatient pediatric practice.