Lijec̆nic̆ki vjesnik
Hospice/palliative care, as the World Health Organization has recognized, is the active, total care of patients whose disease no longer responds to curative treatment, and for whom the goal must be the best quality of life for them and their families. St. Christopher's hospice London, the first modern hospice institution was founded by Dame Cicely Saunders in 1967. ⋯ The point is on the hospice workers education and organization of the first stationary hospice unit. The fundamental problem will be solved when our society will accept that hospice/palliative medicine is an imperative of actual moment and the part of croatian inclusion into european or worldwide trends. The acceptance of palliative medicine is the acceptance of new medicine directed to the whole man and his surroundings, instead of involving only single or two diseases.
Lijec̆nic̆ki vjesnik · Mar 1995
Historical Article[The Temple of Aesculapius in Diocletian's palace in Split].
Many temples, sanctuaries and even the entire small towns have been dedicated to Aesculapius's, the god of medicine. The remnants of Aesculapius temples in the Republic of Croatia have been found on locations of Narona, Salona, Pola and in Diocletian's palace in Split. The first archbishop of Split, "Giovanni di Ravenna", at the end of the 8th century or at the beginning of the 9th century, gave to Diocletian's Mausoleum the name of "Templum Jouis" and reassigned it to Christian church. ⋯ It seems logical to assume that there was only one Jupiter's temple in Diocletian's Palace, namely the present cathedral. Four cultic edifices within the Diocletian's Palace were given six names: "Jouis, Asclepii, Martis, Janus's Kibela's and Venus's. Should the recent research prove the baptistry not to be Aesculapius's temple, the question might be raised whether one of the two, recently discovered small temples, Kibela's or Venus's, was dedicated to Aesculapius?
We report the case of a patient, a 19-year-old young man, with a rare malformation of the pulmonary blood vessels--a complex arteriovenous (A-V) fistula. The disease was characterized by typical signs of the right-to-left shunt: cyanosis, clubbed fingers and exertional dyspnea. Hypoxemia and polyglobulia were present in the blood examination findings and functional tests showed significantly reduced diffusion lung capacity and progressive dyspnea, while ergometry revealed cyanosis. ⋯ The final diagnosis was made by pulmonary angiography which showed a complex A-V malformation of several feeding arteries and profuse initial multiple venous drainage. Following a successful surgical procedure the diagnosis was also confirmed histopathologically-diffuse teleangiectatic A-V fistula of the lower lobe of the left lung. Following surgery cyanosis, dyspnea, hypoxemia and polyglobulia disappeared and the young man has been well for the following two years.
Lijec̆nic̆ki vjesnik · Jan 1995
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial[Effectiveness and adverse effects of a single daily dose of gentamicin versus twice daily administration].
The efficacy and toxicity of a single versus double gentamicin dose were compared. Fifty-four ill patients with infection susceptible to gentamicin in Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Rebro, Zagreb, were included in this study. The following criteria excluded patients from the study: serious renal failure (creatinine > 250 mumol/l), hearing impairment, condition and immunodeficiency. ⋯ Ototoxic reaction developed in 35% of the patients on a single gentamicin dose and in 44.8% of the patients on a double dose (P > 0.05), and a lesion was more diffuse in this group. Risk factors for gentamicin ototoxicity were: through gentamicin concentration, duration of therapy, older age and abnormal renal function. Therapeutic effect was observed in 96% of the patients in SG and in 86.2% of the patients in DG (P > 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Lijec̆nic̆ki vjesnik · Nov 1994
Review[Lung auscultation: an old skill with new interpretation and terminology].
The lung sound auscultation is a part of everyday practice of most physicians. This skill used to be in practice in antique times, but it did not gain any particular attention until the beginning of the 19th century when Laennec systematized his observations, so that the method became generally accepted as the means of examining the patient. ⋯ Indeed, the technical innovations have insured more accurate measurement of all characteristics of lung sounds, and in connection with this enabled the coining of new terms, especially for adventitious lung sounds. As the whole civilized world has agreed upon the terminology, in the radiance of the above mentioned we are also proposing new terminology for adventitious lung sounds.