Klinichna khirurhiia / Ministerstvo okhorony zdorov'ia Ukraïny, Naukove tovarystvo khirurhiv Ukraïny
After performance of 728 reconstructive-restoration operations on the lower extremities arteries in 58 (7.9%) patients a lymphorrhea from the wound have had occurred. While roentgenotherapy application for postoperative lymphorrhea treatment in 67% patients a good result was achieved. The number of the ray therapy procedures was determined in accordance with the clinical effect obtained.
Historical Article
[Gastric shunting operation for the morbid obesity treatment].
A new method of energobiometric monitoring, quantitative estimation of metabolic changes in organism was proposed, basing on literature data and own clinical investigations conduction. Comparing the indices of real and necessary consumption of oxygen, as well as its delivery, permits to reveal precisely the energy deficiency level and in time to correct it for the perioperative complications rate reduction. Two groups of patients, suffering non-complicated operative trauma, were included in the investigation, in whom various methods of anesthesiological support were used. The results of clinical investigations in perioperative period have shown, that adjusting of ratio between delivery and consumption of oxygen constitutes a most important task for modern diagnostic and treatment measures, mainly determining the definite result of treatment.
The results of the analgesia method choice, as well as their combination, using a local anesthetic naropin (ropivacaine) for intra- and postoperative analgesia in phthysiosurgical patients, were analyzed. Application of the preparation have permitted to reduce the opioid analgetics dose by 50%, to realize the early mobilization in 50 - 70% patients, to reduce a postoperative morbidity rate, connected with the respiratory and digestive systems affection.