Soins; la revue de référence infirmière
For several years, the use of the term 'burnout' has been applied to clinical situations inappropriately and often excessively. The complexity of the approach to work related stress could explain this. It is important to understand the clinical bases which constitute this occupational exhaustion syndrome.
If organizations seek to be profitable, they have no choice but to help their employees live in harmony, to be serene and creative. Well-being at work is largely linked to our ability to adapt to the moving reality of the company, without losing ourselves. Guides and methods help to live this reality as well as possible.
Proposal no. 10 in French Senate information report no. 685, drawn up by the Social Affairs Commission on hospital emergency departments, opens the debate regarding the creation of an emergency nursing speciality. Does this represent progress for the profession or an inadapted measure? The complex situation of emergency departments raises the need for methodological thinking on this subject.
The number of patients attending emergency departments is constantly growing. They are fast becoming a place of primary care. ⋯ The reception of the patients by the triage nurse is professional. With tension often high in emergency departments, triage nurses play a role in defusing situations, which could constitute the next area of focus of their professionalization.
In July 2017, an information report written by three senators highlighted the difficulties encountered by emergency departments in France and attempted to pinpoint the causes. In addition, the recommendations of this report suggest reinforcing the nursing contribution within the multi-disciplinary emergency department team, by creating an emergency nurse speciality.