The Ochsner journal
The Ochsner journal · Jan 2013
Case ReportsDexmedetomidine for anterior mediastinal mass computed tomography-guided biopsy: a case series.
Sedation of children undergoing biopsies of anterior mediastinal masses can be challenging because of the absolute necessity of ensuring minimal smooth muscle relaxation and preventing airway collapse. Furthermore, positive pressure ventilation may be difficult or impossible and may also pose the additional risks of hemodynamic compromise in the pediatric patient. ⋯ Dexmedetomidine, a selective alpha-2 adrenoreceptor agonist that maintains the smooth musculature of the pediatric airway, provides the ability to sustain spontaneous ventilation in patients with airway compression. Dexmedetomidine is a safe, reliable anesthetic for biopsy of children with anterior mediastinal masses.
The Ochsner journal · Jan 2012
Acute respiratory distress following ultrasound-guided supraclavicular block.
Brachial plexus blocks have become very common for patients undergoing upper extremity surgery. We report a case in which the patient developed ipsilateral phrenic nerve paralysis and acute respiratory failure following supraclavicular nerve block. ⋯ Phrenic nerve injury leading to respiratory distress is a rare complication of supraclavicular brachial plexus block. Anesthesiologists should be ready for emergency intubation when performing this kind of block.
The Ochsner journal · Jan 2012
Consolidated academic and research exposition: a pilot study of an innovative education method to increase residents' research involvement.
Internal medicine residents at the Ochsner Clinic Foundation stay engaged with clinical work and have difficulty initiating and completing research and publishing their scholarly activities. Commonly cited barriers include lack of knowledge about institutional research programs, lack of confidence regarding medical writing skills, lack of time, and failure to understand the value of research. The residency directors at Ochsner initiated the Consolidated Academic and Research Exposition (CARE) program to teach basic research skills and encourage residents' interest and productivity in research. ⋯ Ochsner's CARE program has appreciably enhanced internal medicine residents' interest in research-related activity, resulting in a significant increase in resident-authored research papers, abstracts, posters, and case reports being accepted at leading national medical conferences.
The Ochsner journal · Jan 2012
Epidural anesthesia for cesarean delivery in a morbidly obese parturient with spinal meningioma.
We report our experience with epidural anesthesia for cesarean section in a morbidly obese parturient with progressive paraplegia from a spinal meningioma. Epidural anesthesia may represent a safe anesthetic choice in such clinical situations.
The Ochsner journal · Jan 2012
Presence of anesthesia resident trainees in day surgery unit has mixed effects on operating room efficiency measures.
Three competing goals at academic medical centers are to increase efficiency, to optimize clinical care, and to train residents. The goal of this project was to compare day surgery operating room (OR) efficiency measures for anesthesiologists working alone, working with residents, and working with certified nurse anesthetists in a tertiary multisubspecialty teaching hospital to determine if trainees significantly impact OR efficiency. ⋯ The pairing of anesthesiology residents with anesthesia staff has mixed effects on OR efficiency measures in a day surgery unit.